Josiah defeated 44 enemies and is Ranked #1 of 31
Mage defeated 41 enemies and is Ranked #2 of 31
Fandral defeated 40 enemies and is Ranked #3 of 31
Dingo defeated 39 enemies and is tied with Tinx for Rank #4 of 31
Tinx defeated 39 enemies and is tied with Dingo for Rank #4 of 31
Songster defeated 37 enemies and is Ranked #5 of 31
Tembikai defeated 34 enemies and is Ranked #6 of 31
Driven defeated 32 enemies and is tied with Gorka, Risky and Suna for Rank #7 of 31
Gorka defeated 32 enemies and is tied with Driven, Risky and Suna for Rank #7 of 31
Risky defeated 32 enemies and is tied with Driven, Gorka and Suna for Rank #7 of 31
Suna defeated 32 enemies and is tied with Driven, Gorka and Risky for Rank #7 of 31
Belrath defeated 30 enemies and is Ranked #8 of 31
Splat defeated 28 enemies and is Ranked #9 of 31
Zuzu defeated 27 enemies and is Ranked #10 of 31
Eve defeated 23 enemies and is tied with Gro, Nom and Tuk for Rank #11 of 31
Gro defeated 23 enemies and is tied with Eve, Nom and Tuk for Rank #11 of 31
Nom defeated 23 enemies and is tied with Eve, Gro and Tuk for Rank #11 of 31
Tuk defeated 23 enemies and is tied with Eve, Gro and Nom for Rank #11 of 31
Elendai defeated 22 enemies and is Ranked #12 of 31
Jackalope defeated 21 enemies and is tied with Zaq for Rank #13 of 31
Zaq defeated 21 enemies and is tied with Jackalope for Rank #13 of 31
Edwin defeated 20 enemies and is Ranked #14 of 31
Gnu defeated 18 enemies and is tied with Slice and Yang for Rank #15 of 31
Slice defeated 18 enemies and is tied with Gnu and Yang for Rank #15 of 31
Yang defeated 18 enemies and is tied with Gnu and Slice for Rank #15 of 31
Ozzy defeated 17 enemies and is Ranked #16 of 31
Slovic defeated 15 enemies and is Ranked #17 of 31
Padme defeated 14 enemies and is tied with Vege for Rank #18 of 31
Vege defeated 14 enemies and is tied with Padme for Rank #18 of 31
Ackbar defeated 13 enemies and is tied with Art and Lurch for Rank #19 of 31
Art defeated 13 enemies and is tied with Ackbar and Lurch for Rank #19 of 31
Lurch defeated 13 enemies and is tied with Ackbar and Art for Rank #19 of 31
Cyprimus defeated 12 enemies and is tied with Kai, Shh, Sochi and Toast for Rank #20 of 31
Kai defeated 12 enemies and is tied with Cyprimus, Shh, Sochi and Toast for Rank #20 of 31
Shh defeated 12 enemies and is tied with Cyprimus, Kai, Sochi and Toast for Rank #20 of 31
Sochi defeated 12 enemies and is tied with Cyprimus, Kai, Shh and Toast for Rank #20 of 31
Toast defeated 12 enemies and is tied with Cyprimus, Kai, Shh and Sochi for Rank #20 of 31
Lore defeated 11 enemies and is tied with Morn and Rok for Rank #21 of 31
Morn defeated 11 enemies and is tied with Lore and Rok for Rank #21 of 31
Rok defeated 11 enemies and is tied with Lore and Morn for Rank #21 of 31
Kid defeated 10 enemies and is tied with Peace for Rank #22 of 31
Peace defeated 10 enemies and is tied with Kid for Rank #22 of 31
Crumbs defeated 9 enemies and is tied with Orbek for Rank #23 of 31
Orbek defeated 9 enemies and is tied with Crumbs for Rank #23 of 31
Jarlaxle defeated 8 enemies and is tied with Jbob, Mord, Serega and Wind for Rank #24 of 31
Jbob defeated 8 enemies and is tied with Jarlaxle, Mord, Serega and Wind for Rank #24 of 31
Mord defeated 8 enemies and is tied with Jarlaxle, Jbob, Serega and Wind for Rank #24 of 31
Serega defeated 8 enemies and is tied with Jarlaxle, Jbob, Mord and Wind for Rank #24 of 31
Wind defeated 8 enemies and is tied with Jarlaxle, Jbob, Mord and Serega for Rank #24 of 31
Hearot defeated 7 enemies and is tied with Imco, Juggernaught, Law, Oren and Spar for Rank #25 of 31
Imco defeated 7 enemies and is tied with Hearot, Juggernaught, Law, Oren and Spar for Rank #25 of 31
Juggernaught defeated 7 enemies and is tied with Hearot, Imco, Law, Oren and Spar for Rank #25 of 31
Law defeated 7 enemies and is tied with Hearot, Imco, Juggernaught, Oren and Spar for Rank #25 of 31
Oren defeated 7 enemies and is tied with Hearot, Imco, Juggernaught, Law and Spar for Rank #25 of 31
Spar defeated 7 enemies and is tied with Hearot, Imco, Juggernaught, Law and Oren for Rank #25 of 31
Feist defeated 6 enemies and is tied with Kirei, Knubberub, Tomato and Xuxu for Rank #26 of 31
Kirei defeated 6 enemies and is tied with Feist, Knubberub, Tomato and Xuxu for Rank #26 of 31
Knubberub defeated 6 enemies and is tied with Feist, Kirei, Tomato and Xuxu for Rank #26 of 31
Tomato defeated 6 enemies and is tied with Feist, Kirei, Knubberub and Xuxu for Rank #26 of 31
Xuxu defeated 6 enemies and is tied with Feist, Kirei, Knubberub and Tomato for Rank #26 of 31
Afk defeated 5 enemies and is tied with Arya and Samus for Rank #27 of 31
Arya defeated 5 enemies and is tied with Afk and Samus for Rank #27 of 31
Samus defeated 5 enemies and is tied with Afk and Arya for Rank #27 of 31
Entropy defeated 4 enemies and is Ranked #28 of 31
Arcainic defeated 3 enemies and is Ranked #29 of 31
Copper defeated 2 enemies and is tied with Sledgehammer for Rank #30 of 31
Sledgehammer defeated 2 enemies and is tied with Copper for Rank #30 of 31
Ciaran defeated 1 enemy and is tied with Inra, Pip and Shinja for Rank #31 of 31
Inra defeated 1 enemy and is tied with Ciaran, Pip and Shinja for Rank #31 of 31
Pip defeated 1 enemy and is tied with Ciaran, Inra and Shinja for Rank #31 of 31
Shinja defeated 1 enemy and is tied with Ciaran, Inra and Pip for Rank #31 of 31