Mage defeated 49 enemies and is Ranked #1 of 37
Art defeated 43 enemies and is Ranked #2 of 37
Fandral defeated 41 enemies and is tied with Nom for Rank #3 of 37
Nom defeated 41 enemies and is tied with Fandral for Rank #3 of 37
Tembikai defeated 40 enemies and is Ranked #4 of 37
Gorka defeated 38 enemies and is tied with Inra and Klobber for Rank #5 of 37
Inra defeated 38 enemies and is tied with Gorka and Klobber for Rank #5 of 37
Klobber defeated 38 enemies and is tied with Gorka and Inra for Rank #5 of 37
Basche defeated 37 enemies and is tied with Daemeon, Dingo, Hippy and Songster for Rank #6 of 37
Daemeon defeated 37 enemies and is tied with Basche, Dingo, Hippy and Songster for Rank #6 of 37
Dingo defeated 37 enemies and is tied with Basche, Daemeon, Hippy and Songster for Rank #6 of 37
Hippy defeated 37 enemies and is tied with Basche, Daemeon, Dingo and Songster for Rank #6 of 37
Songster defeated 37 enemies and is tied with Basche, Daemeon, Dingo and Hippy for Rank #6 of 37
Kirei defeated 36 enemies and is Ranked #7 of 37
Splat defeated 35 enemies and is tied with Tinx for Rank #8 of 37
Tinx defeated 35 enemies and is tied with Splat for Rank #8 of 37
Kai defeated 34 enemies and is Ranked #9 of 37
Suna defeated 33 enemies and is Ranked #10 of 37
Caveman defeated 31 enemies and is tied with Risky for Rank #11 of 37
Risky defeated 31 enemies and is tied with Caveman for Rank #11 of 37
Imoen defeated 30 enemies and is tied with Pip for Rank #12 of 37
Pip defeated 30 enemies and is tied with Imoen for Rank #12 of 37
Tsuman defeated 29 enemies and is Ranked #13 of 37
Josiah defeated 28 enemies and is tied with Slice, Tomato and Woody for Rank #14 of 37
Slice defeated 28 enemies and is tied with Josiah, Tomato and Woody for Rank #14 of 37
Tomato defeated 28 enemies and is tied with Josiah, Slice and Woody for Rank #14 of 37
Woody defeated 28 enemies and is tied with Josiah, Slice and Tomato for Rank #14 of 37
Driven defeated 27 enemies and is tied with Nomad for Rank #15 of 37
Nomad defeated 27 enemies and is tied with Driven for Rank #15 of 37
Jarlaxle defeated 26 enemies and is tied with Sneakie for Rank #16 of 37
Sneakie defeated 26 enemies and is tied with Jarlaxle for Rank #16 of 37
Lurch defeated 24 enemies and is Ranked #17 of 37
Corran defeated 23 enemies and is Ranked #18 of 37
Diogenes defeated 22 enemies and is tied with Hippo, Padme, Richter and Tuk for Rank #19 of 37
Hippo defeated 22 enemies and is tied with Diogenes, Padme, Richter and Tuk for Rank #19 of 37
Padme defeated 22 enemies and is tied with Diogenes, Hippo, Richter and Tuk for Rank #19 of 37
Richter defeated 22 enemies and is tied with Diogenes, Hippo, Padme and Tuk for Rank #19 of 37
Tuk defeated 22 enemies and is tied with Diogenes, Hippo, Padme and Richter for Rank #19 of 37
Arcainic defeated 21 enemies and is tied with Mirakoli and Samus for Rank #20 of 37
Mirakoli defeated 21 enemies and is tied with Arcainic and Samus for Rank #20 of 37
Samus defeated 21 enemies and is tied with Arcainic and Mirakoli for Rank #20 of 37
Beldan defeated 20 enemies and is tied with Robocop for Rank #21 of 37
Robocop defeated 20 enemies and is tied with Beldan for Rank #21 of 37
Ellus defeated 19 enemies and is tied with Piscator, Raphael, Shadis and Victory for Rank #22 of 37
Piscator defeated 19 enemies and is tied with Ellus, Raphael, Shadis and Victory for Rank #22 of 37
Raphael defeated 19 enemies and is tied with Ellus, Piscator, Shadis and Victory for Rank #22 of 37
Shadis defeated 19 enemies and is tied with Ellus, Piscator, Raphael and Victory for Rank #22 of 37
Victory defeated 19 enemies and is tied with Ellus, Piscator, Raphael and Shadis for Rank #22 of 37
Entropy defeated 17 enemies and is tied with Impaler, Jackalope, Jaquin and Shinja for Rank #23 of 37
Impaler defeated 17 enemies and is tied with Entropy, Jackalope, Jaquin and Shinja for Rank #23 of 37
Jackalope defeated 17 enemies and is tied with Entropy, Impaler, Jaquin and Shinja for Rank #23 of 37
Jaquin defeated 17 enemies and is tied with Entropy, Impaler, Jackalope and Shinja for Rank #23 of 37
Shinja defeated 17 enemies and is tied with Entropy, Impaler, Jackalope and Jaquin for Rank #23 of 37
Orbek defeated 16 enemies and is Ranked #24 of 37
Dc defeated 15 enemies and is tied with Jagon, Rain, Xuxu and Zaq for Rank #25 of 37
Jagon defeated 15 enemies and is tied with Dc, Rain, Xuxu and Zaq for Rank #25 of 37
Rain defeated 15 enemies and is tied with Dc, Jagon, Xuxu and Zaq for Rank #25 of 37
Xuxu defeated 15 enemies and is tied with Dc, Jagon, Rain and Zaq for Rank #25 of 37
Zaq defeated 15 enemies and is tied with Dc, Jagon, Rain and Xuxu for Rank #25 of 37
Mord defeated 14 enemies and is tied with Pit, Slovic and Vegant for Rank #26 of 37
Pit defeated 14 enemies and is tied with Mord, Slovic and Vegant for Rank #26 of 37
Slovic defeated 14 enemies and is tied with Mord, Pit and Vegant for Rank #26 of 37
Vegant defeated 14 enemies and is tied with Mord, Pit and Slovic for Rank #26 of 37
Afk defeated 13 enemies and is tied with Jedi and Juggernaught for Rank #27 of 37
Jedi defeated 13 enemies and is tied with Afk and Juggernaught for Rank #27 of 37
Juggernaught defeated 13 enemies and is tied with Afk and Jedi for Rank #27 of 37
Cyprimus defeated 12 enemies and is tied with Imco, Knifey, Roga and Squishy for Rank #28 of 37
Imco defeated 12 enemies and is tied with Cyprimus, Knifey, Roga and Squishy for Rank #28 of 37
Knifey defeated 12 enemies and is tied with Cyprimus, Imco, Roga and Squishy for Rank #28 of 37
Roga defeated 12 enemies and is tied with Cyprimus, Imco, Knifey and Squishy for Rank #28 of 37
Squishy defeated 12 enemies and is tied with Cyprimus, Imco, Knifey and Roga for Rank #28 of 37
Abraxsis defeated 10 enemies and is tied with Curate, Dragoth and Ryzo for Rank #29 of 37
Curate defeated 10 enemies and is tied with Abraxsis, Dragoth and Ryzo for Rank #29 of 37
Dragoth defeated 10 enemies and is tied with Abraxsis, Curate and Ryzo for Rank #29 of 37
Ryzo defeated 10 enemies and is tied with Abraxsis, Curate and Dragoth for Rank #29 of 37
Vooder defeated 8 enemies and is Ranked #30 of 37
Sadnama defeated 7 enemies and is Ranked #31 of 37
Pawn defeated 6 enemies and is Ranked #32 of 37
Gunnar defeated 5 enemies and is Ranked #33 of 37
Blix defeated 4 enemies and is tied with Yennefer for Rank #34 of 37
Yennefer defeated 4 enemies and is tied with Blix for Rank #34 of 37
Mose defeated 3 enemies and is Ranked #35 of 37
Lighter defeated 2 enemies and is Ranked #36 of 37
Cowl defeated 1 enemy and is tied with Firefly, Lurr, Morn and Sinistar for Rank #37 of 37
Firefly defeated 1 enemy and is tied with Cowl, Lurr, Morn and Sinistar for Rank #37 of 37
Lurr defeated 1 enemy and is tied with Cowl, Firefly, Morn and Sinistar for Rank #37 of 37
Morn defeated 1 enemy and is tied with Cowl, Firefly, Lurr and Sinistar for Rank #37 of 37
Sinistar defeated 1 enemy and is tied with Cowl, Firefly, Lurr and Morn for Rank #37 of 37