Corpse Recovery / Suggestion

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Corpse Recovery / Suggestion

Postby madmax » Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:47 pm

While playing Micha this morning, I had an unfortunate accident in on Bal-Harbor that cost me my dear life. Note to self, don't go check on a spellbook in an area that you are not real familiar wih 10 minutes before a meeting.

First of all, I would like to thank Malek and Ken for retrieving my corpse and kindly handing it to me at BH Inn. Since I was AFK, a strange occurence happened. My corpse rotted in my hands, dropping its contents in BH inn. To make things worse, Heavell shouted he was dropping his eq at BH inn. The frenzy was started.

After alot of discussion with several players, I was able to get most of my eq returned. I would like to thank Andach, Atwell, Elija, and Zing for returning what they had picked up.

My suggestion: Since embalming of player corpses was removed with changes, can the players corpses rot into inventory and not on the ground?

Again, thanks to all who hellped me get my eq back.

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Postby rith » Fri Sep 30, 2005 3:44 am


I didnt actually ment that i was giving eq away, i shouted


just as a joke. No offence intended (altought i did give some recall scrolls to Zing).

:D ps Heavell is my newb.[/list]
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Postby Daisy » Mon Oct 03, 2005 11:29 am

As an idea:
Once you're dead normally a corpse is retrieved by other players.

(Thankyou to all those who have helped me and my alt Elsie. btw)

The question occurs to me that if its so easy to get others to do a corpse retrieval, why should you need to put other players to the trouble of doing it? It would not actually take anything away from the gameplay if corpse retrieval was either automatic, or could be bought in the same way recall scrolls can be.
In fact it would help prevent the annoyance I have seen today of numerous pthieves looting corpses then logging off.

... or am I missing something here?

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Postby 12345 » Mon Oct 03, 2005 11:36 am

I hadn't thought self-CR was completely dead yet...
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Postby Alberich » Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:02 pm

self-cr is about as unfasionable as actually popping your own sbs... much easier to simply whine about it until someone takes care of it for you.

as for your other concern, read Rule #2. If you are dumb enough to loot your own corpse at recall sure you can be pthieved after the stuffs in your inv, but if you lose anything because someone stole it out of your corpse, that can be checked.
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Postby Grue » Mon Oct 03, 2005 1:06 pm

Just to add some thoughts:

a) As has been pointed out here, a pthief looting a player corpse is a wipeable offense and that should not be a part of this conversation.

[i:32sqcfo1]"No Player Looting.
This is defined as: Taking a players corpse or any of the contents after a
player has corpsed and deliberately not returning it to the rightful owner." [/i:32sqcfo1]

If you recall someone and they corpse, and pthief loots, tell the imms, they will get dealt with. If you recall and have a corpse in your inv and it gets stolen and looted the same applies. If you do a get all corpse and recall without wearing the EQ, you are on your own.

b) Making CRs any easier takes the danger out of doing certain areas. If you know for a fact that if you die you won't have to get your corpse, your corpse can't be looted, and the most you will lose is XP or possible a level, it would make the game too easy. Remember part of the danger of dying is not only having to a CR, but the risk that a mob may get part of your stuff, and needing a group to get it back. Auto-recall of corpses may seem like a nice idea, but I would be totally against it.

c) If you have more than one character it is totally legal to rent, get your other character on and do your own CR. People seem nervous to do this, but it is in the rules:

[i:32sqcfo1]"You MAY use one character to collect the corpse of another of your
characters, as long as only one character is on at any time."[/i:32sqcfo1]
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Auto CR

Postby Daisy » Tue Oct 04, 2005 5:37 am


good points well made, I'm not sure I agree but its made me think again

Lots of Love,

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