by Aleksey » Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:49 am
Whan in area type where if you see some players in area ask tham get your corpse. In town nowday tons of people.
Females loads apples, here is your food, if not loaded carve here corpse , get slice eat slice (same food) , if she huge for you, kill cat
Depozit all cash in bank, during kill run you dont need it, bank dont give % but at list cash at safe place and any time you can take it. Never heard about bank crizis yet in sloth.
Explore area befor cr, study mobs, some of tham dont see invisible, some of tham dont hit at first round(valk feature), some agro, some not,some looting ,some not,find all that at the beggining
Find all famable mobs in area befor killing in area . Familiar spell not offencive one so can apply it on any unknown mob and see effect without being hated
Why people killing cleric? no idea ,basicaly it high level dorks who scared to explore valk and die and found elder mans not enough for tham already
Have pitty on tham , nothing you can change