
Code changes, new spells/skills/songs, etc


Postby *Neptune* » Sun Aug 30, 2020 4:11 pm


Each year, SlothMUD is taxed with paying for hosting. This is a relatively hefty sum for our small band of admins and staff, and as such, we provide means for those who wish donate to do so. Today, I created a help file so that you guys will have access to the current pool link. The method that we use for these things is via Paypal, but you don't have to have a Paypal account to donate. Importantly, you do not have to donate or pay to play the game. This is NOT required to play the game, but we certainly appreciate any amount that you can give to help us continue for the next year, at least.


Donating to the game does not warrant nor guarantee any ingame rewards, privileges, or considerations.


To access the help file, simply type 'help donation' while in the game. It has been our honor and pleasure to provide such a rewarding game to all of you guys over the years. We've met some great folks, shared adventures, cultivated relationships, and made some lasting ones. We've seen each other grow and prosper, and together, we've gathered to reach goals while battling the evils of the world. For that, we thank you.

Please take some time to donate if you can. We've been lucky over the years to be able to continue our efforts and have a place to do that. With your help, we'll have many more years.


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Re: Donations

Postby *Neptune* » Sun Aug 30, 2020 4:13 pm

Oops, it might be helpful to provide the link in case you aren't logged into the game....

The current donation link for the 2021 hosting pool is.... ... dkaNIFAuZ0

Thanks again.

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Re: Donations

Postby *Neptune* » Sun Aug 20, 2023 11:12 pm

It's that time of the year again, and hosting feeds are just around the corner. We invite everyone,
if they can, to consider donating to SlothMUD so that we can keep this train moving down the
tracks. We certainly appreciate all the love and support we've received throughout the years, and we
here at Sloth want to give each and everyone of you a big thanks for helping out by playing the game
and donating.

This year, we will continue with our methods of collecting donations as we did last year. Should you
feel like donating is something you might want to do, you hop on over to your paypal account and
send however much you think you can or want to donate by sending to to .
All stipulations from last year will carry over to this year. Also, everything wil be handled in the same

Be sure to send it as FRIENDS AND FAMILY or else Paypal will take their fees out of it and the
entire donation amount will NOT make it into the pool.

In the meantime, you are welcome to check out 'help donation' in the game. I just got done updating it.
If you have any questions, just hit me up using the avenues in that help file.

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Re: Donations

Postby *Neptune* » Fri Sep 15, 2023 12:36 am


I wanted to take this time to announce that the game hosting requirements for another year has been made and paid for the upcoming year as of September 4th. I apologize for the late announcement, give a big thanks to those players who have donated and to the staff members that gave as well. A couple of you donated after the hosting fee was paid, and therefore your donation will be refunded in full. We certainly appreciate your willingness to contribute.

Going forward, at least until next year, we will be closing the donations at this time. Please do not send
any hosting donations. For future donation announcements, please keep an eye on this thread and/or
keep an eye on the ingame help file 'donation and the ingame channels'.

Any questions can be made via the usual avenues.

Thank you.

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