Conquest Points

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Conquest Points

Postby Gorka » Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:36 am

"There are just shy of 300 million Conquest Points available in the game, some harder to obtain than others."

Starting Costs (Costs grow with each purchase...)
XP / Coins / Conquest Points

1) +1 Max Strength - 1 of 2 - 73.50 B / 36.75 M / 3.67 M
2) +1 Max Intelligence - 1 of 2 - 73.50 B / 36.75 M / 3.67 M
3) +1 Max Wisdom - 1 of 2 - 73.50 B / 36.75 M / 3.67 M
4) +1 Max Dexterity - 1 of 1
5) +1 Max Constitution - 1 of 2 - 73.50 B / 36.75 M / 3.67

6) +1 Hit Points
7) +1 Mana Points
8 ) +1 Movement Points
9) +1 Hit Point Regen - 40 of 80 - 26.73 B / 13.37 M / 1.34 M
10) +1 Mana Point Regen - 10 of 20 - 154.79 B / 77.40 M / 7.74 M
11) +1 Movement Point Regen - 30 of 60 - 24.78 B / 12.39 M / 1.24 M

12) +1 Hit Roll - 3 of 6 - 119.12 B / 59.56 M / 5.96 M
13) +1 Damage Roll - 3 of 6 - 158.83 B / 79.41 M / 7.94 M
14) +1 Bonus Circle Damage - 30 of 60 - 14.87 B / 7.44 M / 743.54 k
15) +1 Flail Damage - 30 of 60 - 14.87 B / 7.44 M / 743.54 k
16) +1 Bonus Hand Damage - 6 of 12 - 74.65 B / 37.32 M / 3.73 M
17) +1 Kick Damage - 30 of 60 - 14.96 B / 7.48 M / 747.85 k
18) +1 Bonus Spell Damage - 30 of 60 - 14.87 B / 7.44 M / 743.54 k
19) +1 Bonus Stab Damage - 60 of 120 - 7.29 B / 3.65 M / 364.57 k
20) +1 Bonus Weapon Damage - 6 of 12 - 74.65 B / 37.32 M / 3.73 M

21) -0.1 Armor Class - 3 of 6 - 43.20 B / 21.60 M / 3.09 M
22) +1 Bonus Charisma - 3 of 6 - 5.58 B / 2.79 M / 278.79 k
23) +1 Bonus Damage Reduction - 3 of 6 - 43.20 B / 21.60 M / 3.09 M
24) +1 Bonus Heal Bonus - 30 of 60 - 14.87 B / 7.44 M / 1.06 M
25) +1 System Shock - 3 of 6 - 5.58 B / 2.79 M / 278.79 k
26) +1 Bonus Undead Control - 3 of 6 - 5.58 B / 2.79 M / 278.79 k

27) -1 Save Breath - 3 of 6 - 5.58 B / 2.79 M / 278.79 k
28) -1 Save Paralyzation - 3 of 3
29) -1 Save Petrification - 3 of 6 - 2.79 B / 1.39 M / 139.39 k
30) -1 Save Poison - 3 of 6 - 2.79 B / 1.39 M / 139.39 k
31) -1 Save Spell - 3 of 6 - 43.20 B / 21.60 M / 2.16 M

With a budget of around 300m Conquest points, this would appear to allow a warrior type to currently buy all of the following stats with perhaps a couple of other purchases to spare...

+3 Damage Roll - 3 of 6 - 158.83 B / 79.41 M / 7.94 M
+30 Bonus Spell Damage - 30 of 60 - 14.87 B / 7.44 M / 743.54 k
+60 Bonus Stab Damage - 60 of 120 - 7.29 B / 3.65 M / 364.57 k
+6 Bonus Weapon Damage - 6 of 12 - 74.65 B / 37.32 M / 3.73 M
-0.3 Armor Class - 3 of 6 - 43.20 B / 21.60 M / 3.09 M
+3 Bonus Damage Reduction - 3 of 6 - 43.20 B / 21.60 M / 3.09 M
-3 Save Spell - 3 of 6 - 43.20 B / 21.60 M / 2.16 M

Personally, I think the mana regen cost is a bit unreasonable, or at least not good value. Rebirth shop costs were just xp and coins originally - so the high cost of mana regen didn't matter so much - however when that ratio got transferred to conquest points which are finite - it becomes a little unreasonable. Buying 10 mana regen would use about a third of the available conquest points. Perhaps the cost of all the regen's are a bit high and conquest points would be better spent on the other stats in my opinion.

Also, because of the nature of hand dam in the game, and how it works as a multiplier to both grip and strike, monks will see the most powerful power increases. It's a game mechanic problem that hand dam is essentially dam when fighting barehanded. While thieves get 3 dam and 60 stab dam... the 60 stab dam only applies to the opener. Monks essentially get +9 dam to grip, strike, and 6 attacks. Every time a change occurs to Avatar/Rebirth Shops, the class divide widens, in favor of monks.
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Re: Conquest Points

Postby Gorka » Thu Jul 01, 2021 4:44 pm

Some tips, info and tricks for people regarding the new conquest system...

First Rank: +1 HIT
Second Rank: +10HP
Third Rank: +10MA
Fourth Rank: ????

There is a mob in Ether Plane called "a brass golem" that appears to be in a one way room. You can exit, but you can't enter. It's not on the maps or eqlist, maybe there is a trig entry somewhere?

Proc/MUDL loaded items like banners from Herb II or most of the items in Temple of Mnem won't get conquest points.

The easiest way to get ahead quickly is to trade in Ioun stones, Sceptres, Tokens and Spellbooks in the areas where they are zoned. You can pop say a token in one area, and trade it in another, as long as it's the same object number.

Don't be deceived by the perceived value of items, I have already got over 100k conquest points from a Mage 4.

Subdues are worth 10x that of a corpse. Big typical group mobs tend to only be worth about 100k conquest points or less subuded. Mobs that are borderline, "not killable," reach up to around the 300k mark - making items the easiest way by far to progress quickly. Perhaps the second quickest way would be to go through the ether areas and wipe out all the ethers. Today also, an ether area reset conquest points on me, giving me a double taste of the cherry... pity they were mostly worthless... so I'm not sure if the ethers are a little bit buggy still perhaps. The second kill through seemed to keep my kills. My third tip would be to start in areas with lots of unique mobs with lots of items. My fourth tip would be that I suspect that aiming for 2 mobs worth 50k is going to come a lot easier than say 1 mob of 100k... so think about that.

The cards also give away all items and mobs in an area (even if the items are hidden, but can be decoded using the eq list), and the conquest points give a pretty damn accurate representation of how one mob compares to another mob in the entire mud. In fact we could rank all mobs against each other using this system.

There are certainly areas that have new eq that is at least not on the eqlist. Dalina's on SS for example appears to have at least two items that don't appear on the eq list.

Lastly, I don't see the system as a competition, given the fact due to bugs and resets, some people will get considerably higher total maximum conquest points than others. Also the system may seem like a sprint by the way it kicked off, but trust me, it will end in endurance.

I'll post other stuff as I find them.
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Re: Conquest Points

Postby Insomnia » Mon Jul 05, 2021 3:19 pm

What I don't like is that there are many mobs on the Spirit list that are just not supposed to be killed:

<1098/1098hp 1949/931ma 324/446mv -%>
ambush kelsier
You sneak through the shadows of Court of Sages.

<1098hp 1949ma 293mv>
Your botched ambush attempt greatly annoys Kelsier, the Survivor of Hathsin.
You have been KILLED!!
<-9126/1098hp 1949/931ma 293/446mv -%>

(that's one attack, not even one round)

Or Yuluk in BH town. Or the mayor of Lyme, and others with the same proc that brings you to 10hp 10ma and stops the fight.

Subduing all these mobs must be worth at least several million points. I really hope that level 10 of Spirit can be reached without them.
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Re: Conquest Points

Postby Gorka » Mon Jul 05, 2021 4:25 pm

Yes, there are plenty of these.

Look out for mobs worth greater than 10k on "look area".

Vault Guardians (BH Castle), Tent Maker in Barovia to name a few more. (Ticket Sellers as well, although I've killed one before, but you can't get caught, it's insta kill)

PS Well done on the magic missile subduing of the epics. You'd have to be the brightest new player I've seen in all my time wasted playing this mud. If the game knew what was good for it, in this stage in life, you should immortal.
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Re: Conquest Points

Postby Gorka » Wed Jul 14, 2021 7:03 am

There is a pretty big issue plaguing the conquest point system. On about 3 occasions I've had an area reset and lost "progress" on completing an area. At first I wasn't too worried because theoretically this means I could get more points re-doing the area.

However today I lost my progress in one area, but appeared to get someone else's progress in that same area in return... this actually worked against me as this person's progress was more fuller than mine.

I can only conclude that in the first instances, perhaps my progress wasn't being lost... but perhaps shifted to another player. I'd be interested to know if another player has a fairly complete Under Dark 2, or Ether Plane out there, as perhaps there progress is actually mine.
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Re: Conquest Points

Postby Driven » Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:41 am

Level 10 is 270 million conquest points, so you won't need mobs like Yuluk to get there. There is no straightforward way of removing such mobs, plus they present an interesting challenge for the most aspiring conquerors.

Has anyone else run into the same issue Gorka is having? I have not on Razyr. Every variable in every data structure is doubly protected against such weirdness--(1) every variable is *on your character*, and (2) every variable *has your player name* in the name of the variable.

Short of bugs in the basecode that has been in place for more than 5 years, there should be no way this could happen. I will double and triple check the code when I get back in town.
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Re: Conquest Points

Postby Driven » Thu Jul 15, 2021 9:59 am

Can you be more precise on which areas screwed up and how? For example, have you only seen total area wipes/switches in UD2 and it was only a few mobs lost in Ether Plane? UD2 is one of the few zones with an actual # in the zone name.
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Re: Conquest Points

Postby Gorka » Thu Jul 15, 2021 5:30 pm

Here is the Rlyeh glitch, I'll see if I can dig up the others...

The Spirit of Conquest shows you your progress for
Valley of R'Lyeh.
Indicates corpse turn-in ---v v--- Indicates subdue turn-in
[ Mob name ] [C/S] (####### conquest points)
[ A Spectral Hunter ] [ / ] (1254 conquest points)
[ a spider of leng ] [ / ] (5801 conquest points)
[ a hunting horror ] [ / ] (6807 conquest points)
[ a shambler ] [ / ] (1363 conquest points)
[ a dimensional shambler ] [ / ] (1185 conquest points)
[ a fire vampire ] [ / ] (5690 conquest points)
[ a formless spawn ] [ / ] (4507 conquest points)
[ a sentry gug ] [ / ] (2245 conquest points)
[ Mi-Go Yuggoth ] [ / ] (3322 conquest points)
[ Lloigor ] [ / ] (7179 conquest points)
[ a shaman gug ] [ / ] (1560 conquest points)
[ a crawling one ] [C/-] (143 conquest points)
[ A Spectral Hunter ] [ / ] (441 conquest points)
[ Cthulga ] [ / ] (8280 conquest points)
[ chthonian guard ] [ / ] (1838 conquest points)
[ Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath ] [ / ] (6696 conquest points)
[ spectral guard ] [C/S] (2479 conquest points)
[ Shuggoth Lord ] [ / ] (5117 conquest points)
[ a Shuggoth guard ] [C/ ] (1922 conquest points)
Indicates object turn-in ---v
[ Object name ] [E] (####### conquest points)
[ * **** ****** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ a golden rune ] [E] (39864 conquest points)
[ * ****** *** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ ** ***** *** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ a small golden chain ] [E] (19710 conquest points)
[ * ****** ** ******** ****** ] [ ] (****** conquest points)
[ a torn page from a forgers man ] [E] (39954 conquest points)
[ * ****** ** **** ******* ] [ ] (****** conquest points)
[ * ******** ******** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ a small hammer ] [E] (1144 conquest points)
[ a set of prongs ] [E] (24986 conquest points)
[ * ***** ****** ******* ** **** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ a flicker of flame ] [E] (89392 conquest points)
[ * ****** *** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ a hexagonal shaped token ] [E] (19952 conquest points)

The next time I looked at the area it looked like this...

The Spirit of Conquest shows you your progress for
Valley of R'Lyeh.
Indicates corpse turn-in ---v v--- Indicates subdue turn-in
[ Mob name ] [C/S] (####### conquest points)
[ A Spectral Hunter ] [ / ] (1254 conquest points)
[ a spider of leng ] [ / ] (5490 conquest points)
[ a hunting horror ] [ / ] (6807 conquest points)
[ a shambler ] [ / ] (1396 conquest points)
[ a dimensional shambler ] [ / ] (1285 conquest points)
[ a fire vampire ] [ / ] (5690 conquest points)
[ a formless spawn ] [ / ] (4507 conquest points)
[ a sentry gug ] [ / ] (2245 conquest points)
[ Mi-Go Yuggoth ] [ / ] (3322 conquest points)
[ Lloigor ] [ / ] (7179 conquest points)
[ a shaman gug ] [ / ] (1560 conquest points)
[ a crawling one ] [C/-] (143 conquest points)
[ A Spectral Hunter ] [ / ] (441 conquest points)
[ Cthulga ] [ / ] (7077 conquest points)
[ chthonian guard ] [C/ ] (2137 conquest points)
[ Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath ] [ / ] (6696 conquest points)
[ spectral guard ] [C/S] (2536 conquest points)
[ Shuggoth Lord ] [ / ] (4422 conquest points)
[ a Shuggoth guard ] [ / ] (1922 conquest points)
Indicates object turn-in ---v
[ Object name ] [E] (####### conquest points)
[ * **** ****** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ a golden rune ] [E] (39864 conquest points)
[ a silver bar ] [E] (44505 conquest points)
[ an ivory key ] [E] (1971 conquest points)
[ a small golden chain ] [E] (19710 conquest points)
[ a potion of mystical powers ] [E] (110422 conquest points)
[ * **** **** **** * ******* *** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ a strand of silk webbing ] [E] (102546 conquest points)
[ a ranger's handbook ] [E] (23640 conquest points)
[ a small hammer ] [E] (1144 conquest points)
[ a set of prongs ] [E] (24986 conquest points)
[ * ***** ****** ******* ** **** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ******* ** ***** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ****** *** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ********* ****** ***** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)

Leng and Cthulga's pops started showing on my area card even though the items had not been submitted, and the flicker of flame was lost.
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Re: Conquest Points

Postby Gorka » Thu Jul 15, 2021 5:39 pm

Here is the Underdark one...

The Spirit of Conquest shows you your progress for
The Underdark.
Indicates corpse turn-in ---v v--- Indicates subdue turn-in
[ Mob name ] [C/S] (####### conquest points)
[ a giant purple fungus ] [ / ] (3283 conquest points)
[ a young gnomish girl ] [ / ] (165 conquest points)
[ the lab team leader ] [ / ] (441 conquest points)
[ the fire machine ] [ / ] (5351 conquest points)
[ the head inventor ] [ /S] (636 conquest points)
[ the fire marshal ] [ / ] (286 conquest points)
[ the crazy gnomish overseer ] [C/S] (816 conquest points)
[ a purple fungus ] [C/-] (125 conquest points)
[ the Dread ] [C/-] (4409 conquest points)
[ a gigantic green dragon ] [C/ ] (6922 conquest points)
[ an eye of the deep ] [C/ ] (2485 conquest points)
[ a beholder ] [ / ] (2730 conquest points)
[ a water naga ] [C/ ] (4321 conquest points)
[ a giant kelp plant ] [C/ ] (1164 conquest points)
[ a giant clam ] [C/ ] (5547 conquest points)
[ a sea turtle ] [C/ ] (6216 conquest points)
[ a sea lion ] [C/ ] (2960 conquest points)
[ a sea hag ] [C/ ] (6780 conquest points)
[ the megalodon ] [C/ ] (7101 conquest points)
[ Kalamari the giant squid ] [ / ] (8373 conquest points)
[ a sea cow ] [ / ] (4916 conquest points)
[ a giant octopus ] [ /S] (3120 conquest points)
[ an unemployed gnomish invento ] [C/S] (343 conquest points)
[ a sea serpent ] [C/ ] (6459 conquest points)
[ the dreaded rear admiral ] [C/ ] (6567 conquest points)
[ a felis canicula ] [ / ] (261 conquest points)
[ a canicular felidae ] [ / ] (101 conquest points)
[ a Svirneblin village guard ] [ /S] (308 conquest points)
[ the Svirneblin storekeeper ] [ / ] (365 conquest points)
[ the Svirneblin chocolate make ] [ / ] (320 conquest points)
[ the Svirneblin mayor ] [ /S] (885 conquest points)
Indicates object turn-in ---v
[ Object name ] [E] (####### conquest points)
[ a piece of purple fungus ] [E] (9849 conquest points)
[ Revelations of the Beholder Or ] [E] (56440 conquest points)
[ an eye of the beholder ] [E] (36686 conquest points)
[ a glowing short sword ] [E] (4620 conquest points)
[ guide to abetment ] [E] (4802 conquest points)
[ some soft metal string ] [E] (5145 conquest points)
[ a gnomish scroll of recall ] [E] (3430 conquest points)
[ a gnomish travelling cloak ] [E] (5488 conquest points)
[ a Svirneblin lab key ] [E] (343 conquest points)
[ a cat dancer ] [E] (606 conquest points)
[ a piece of a propeller ] [E] (6615 conquest points)
[ a strange tool ] [E] (5733 conquest points)
[ a whirling sphere of molten la ] [E] (90032 conquest points)
[ a Black Marble Sceptre of Blac ] [E] (84405 conquest points)
[ * **** ** ****** ] [ ] (****** conquest points)
[ a treatise on fire protection ] [E] (8580 conquest points)
[ * ******* ********* ****** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ a small metal flute ] [E] (825 conquest points)
[ a cup of tea ] [E] (2655 conquest points)
[ a battered metal shield ] [E] (13275 conquest points)
[ * ***** ** **** ***** **** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * **** ** ***** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ********** ******** ] [ ] (****** conquest points)
[ a dragon's tooth ] [E] (68211 conquest points)
[ *** *** ** *** ******* ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ******* **** **** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ a coral torc ] [E] (53768 conquest points)
[ a cow tongue ] [E] (4916 conquest points)
[ a strand of kelp ] [E] (1173 conquest points)
[ * ***** **** ***** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ a turtle girdle ] [E] (74592 conquest points)
[ a pair of sharkskin gloves ] [E] (26640 conquest points)
[ a vial of salt water ] [E] (104715 conquest points)
[ a shrunken head ] [E] (104715 conquest points)
[ water moccasins ] [E] (49399 conquest points)
[ an inked-eye ring ] [E] (181839 conquest points)
[ a vial of squids ink ] [E] (8659 conquest points)
[ * ***** ***** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ a set of pearly bracers ] [E] (20678 conquest points)
[ * ****** **** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ***** ** ****** ******* ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ belt of vitality ] [E] (85371 conquest points)
[ a staff of black flame ] [E] (26444 conquest points)
[ * ***** ****** ******* ] [ ] (***** conquest points)

Then the next time I looked at the area card...

The Spirit of Conquest shows you your progress for
The Underdark.
Indicates corpse turn-in ---v v--- Indicates subdue turn-in
[ Mob name ] [C/S] (####### conquest points)
[ a giant purple fungus ] [ / ] (2930 conquest points)
[ a young gnomish girl ] [ / ] (165 conquest points)
[ the lab team leader ] [ / ] (507 conquest points)
[ the fire machine ] [ / ] (5351 conquest points)
[ the head inventor ] [ / ] (828 conquest points)
[ the fire marshal ] [ / ] (266 conquest points)
[ the crazy gnomish overseer ] [ /S] (816 conquest points)
[ a purple fungus ] [C/-] (125 conquest points)
[ the Dread ] [C/-] (4153 conquest points)
[ a gigantic green dragon ] [ / ] (6879 conquest points)
[ an eye of the deep ] [ / ] (2605 conquest points)
[ a beholder ] [ / ] (2730 conquest points)
[ a water naga ] [ / ] (3950 conquest points)
[ a giant kelp plant ] [ / ] (1173 conquest points)
[ a giant clam ] [ / ] (5738 conquest points)
[ a sea turtle ] [ / ] (6216 conquest points)
[ a sea lion ] [ / ] (3115 conquest points)
[ a sea hag ] [ / ] (9600 conquest points)
[ the megalodon ] [ / ] (7057 conquest points)
[ Kalamari the giant squid ] [ / ] (6996 conquest points)
[ a sea cow ] [ / ] (5046 conquest points)
[ a giant octopus ] [ / ] (2954 conquest points)
[ an unemployed gnomish invento ] [ / ] (343 conquest points)
[ a sea serpent ] [ / ] (6419 conquest points)
[ the dreaded rear admiral ] [ / ] (6611 conquest points)
[ a felis canicula ] [ / ] (252 conquest points)
[ a canicular felidae ] [ / ] (116 conquest points)
[ a Svirneblin village guard ] [ / ] (286 conquest points)
[ the Svirneblin storekeeper ] [ / ] (304 conquest points)
[ the Svirneblin chocolate make ] [ / ] (320 conquest points)
[ the Svirneblin mayor ] [ /S] (885 conquest points)
Indicates object turn-in ---v
[ Object name ] [E] (####### conquest points)
[ * ***** ** ****** ****** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ *********** ** *** ******** ** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ ** *** ** *** ******** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ******* ***** ***** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ ***** ** ******** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ **** **** ***** ****** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * ******* ****** ** ****** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * ******* ********** ***** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * ********** *** *** ] [ ] (*** conquest points)
[ * *** ****** ] [ ] (*** conquest points)
[ * ***** ** * ********* ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * ******* **** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * ******** ****** ** ****** ** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ***** ****** ******* ** **** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * **** ** ****** ] [ ] (****** conquest points)
[ * ******** ** **** ********** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * ******* ********* ****** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ***** ***** ***** ] [ ] (*** conquest points)
[ * *** ** *** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * ******** ***** ****** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ***** ** **** ***** **** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * **** ** ***** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ********** ******** ] [ ] (****** conquest points)
[ * ******** ***** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ *** *** ** *** ******* ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ******* **** **** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ***** **** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * *** ****** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * ****** ** **** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * ***** **** ***** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ****** ****** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * **** ** ********* ****** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * **** ** **** ***** ] [ ] (****** conquest points)
[ * ******** **** ] [ ] (****** conquest points)
[ ***** ********* ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ ** ********* **** ] [ ] (****** conquest points)
[ * **** ** ****** *** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * ***** ***** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * *** ** ****** ******* ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ****** **** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ a sheet of molded papyrus ] [E] (65670 conquest points)
[ **** ** ******** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ***** ** ***** ***** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ***** ****** ******* ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
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Re: Conquest Points

Postby Gorka » Thu Jul 15, 2021 5:44 pm

Here is the Ether Plane one...

The Spirit of Conquest shows you your progress for
Ethereal Plane.
Indicates corpse turn-in ---v v--- Indicates subdue turn-in
[ Mob name ] [C/S] (####### conquest points)
[ the essence vortex ] [C/-] (1873 conquest points)
[ An Ether Eel ] [C/-] (2040 conquest points)
[ the ether dragon ] [C/-] (2665 conquest points)
[ The Elementalist ] [ / ] (5545 conquest points)
[ an ether wind ] [C/-] (698 conquest points)
[ a brass golem ] [ / ] (3664 conquest points)
[ the ether cyclone ] [C/-] (1491 conquest points)
[ Pazuzu ] [C/ ] (4043 conquest points)
[ the ether bandit ] [C/-] (2151 conquest points)
[ A Solar ] [ / ] (4850 conquest points)
[ The XYa ] [C/-] (2803 conquest points)
[ The XYi ] [C/-] (3051 conquest points)
[ a banished Jann ] [C/-] (3247 conquest points)
[ an ether wind ] [C/-] (462 conquest points)
[ The Guardian of the Ether ] [ /-] (2231 conquest points)
Indicates object turn-in ---v
[ Object name ] [E] (####### conquest points)
[ ** ******* **** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * ******* ***** ********* ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * ******* ** **** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * **** ** ****** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * **** ** **** ****** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ a Black Marble Sceptre of Blac ] [E] (47170 conquest points)
[ the godly shield of light ] [E] (56604 conquest points)
[ a spectral cloak ] [E] (79000 conquest points)
[ the gem of the ether ] [E] (21540 conquest points)
[ a sparkling-green emerald ] [E] (21540 conquest points)
[ the fang of the ether ] [E] (19790 conquest points)
[ an ethereal talon ] [E] (40065 conquest points)
[ ethereal gauntlets ] [E] (32052 conquest points)
[ the breath of the ether ] [E] (40065 conquest points)
[ * ******** ******* ******** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ wand of wizardry ] [E] (68712 conquest points)

Then the next time I looked at the area card...

The Spirit of Conquest shows you your progress for
Ethereal Plane.
Indicates corpse turn-in ---v v--- Indicates subdue turn-in
[ Mob name ] [C/S] (####### conquest points)
[ the essence vortex ] [ /-] (1938 conquest points)
[ An Ether Eel ] [ /-] (1979 conquest points)
[ the ether dragon ] [ /-] (2671 conquest points)
[ The Elementalist ] [ / ] (5545 conquest points)
[ an ether wind ] [ /-] (604 conquest points)
[ a brass golem ] [ / ] (3664 conquest points)
[ the ether cyclone ] [C/-] (1622 conquest points)
[ Pazuzu ] [ / ] (3857 conquest points)
[ the ether bandit ] [ /-] (2154 conquest points)
[ A Solar ] [ / ] (4850 conquest points)
[ The XYa ] [ /-] (2812 conquest points)
[ The XYi ] [ /-] (3040 conquest points)
[ a banished Jann ] [ /-] (3546 conquest points)
[ an ether wind ] [ /-] (462 conquest points)
[ The Guardian of the Ether ] [ /-] (2231 conquest points)
Indicates object turn-in ---v
[ Object name ] [E] (####### conquest points)
[ ** ******* **** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * ******* ***** ********* ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * ******* ** **** ] [ ] (**** conquest points)
[ * **** ** ****** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * **** ** **** ****** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ***** ****** ******* ** **** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ *** ***** ****** ** ***** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * ******** ***** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ *** *** ** *** ***** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ * *************** ******* ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ *** **** ** *** ***** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ ** ******** ***** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ ******** ********* ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ the breath of the ether ] [E] (40065 conquest points)
[ * ******** ******* ******** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
[ **** ** ******** ] [ ] (***** conquest points)
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Re: Conquest Points

Postby Gorka » Thu Jul 15, 2021 6:08 pm

I think the Rlyeh one is the most interesting, because it looks like my card was swapped with another player.

If I were you I would have a look around what happens when a new player joins the conquest point system and a new player table is setup for the points.

I've tried making it happen without success.
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Re: Conquest Points

Postby Driven » Thu Jul 15, 2021 7:28 pm

Just taking the R'lyeh as an example, what occured between your two 'look area's? Were any items turned in? Did you leave the area between those two reports? I will try to reproduce/debug, but I need as much info as possible to make debug possible. You have my email address if you want to send me a log. I am happy to crawl through your log to see if you did something unexpected.
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Re: Conquest Points

Postby Gorka » Fri Jul 16, 2021 4:25 am

Very little occurred between looking at the card, and the card being modified. Here is a quick run down...


Card was Working in Ether plane.
Ran to my AH vault.
said Recall.
Ran to Yoopers.
Killed a Guard.
Made a Nightmare.
Killed the Frost Giant. (It looked at me strangely)
Submitted corpse of the Frost Giant.
Looked Spirit (In AH Town).
Clan Recalled to Ether Plane.
Started to Kill Solar.
Looked Area (In Ether Plane) - Saw it was bugged.


I parsed this list of conquest commands for the 3 scenarios... so I could get the order of all conquest system commands between a good/bad "look area."

Underdark Bug

look area UD (Good)
look area SS Vault
look spirit SS Vault
offer spirit sheet in UD2 (look spirit)
look area UD (Bugged)

Ether Bug

look area Ether (Good)
offer spirit corpse of Frost Giant in AH Town (look spirit)
look area Ether (Bugged)

Rlyeh Bug

look area Rlyeh (Good)
offer spirit corpse Shuggoth Lord (look spirit)
offer spirit corpse sentry gug (look spirit)
offer spirit corpse spider of leng (look spirit)
offer spirit corpse shambler (look spirit)
offer spirit corpse dimensional shambler (look spirit)
offer spirit corpse chthonian guard (look spirit)
look area Rlyeh (Bugged)

The most interesting case is the AH Ether issue. I basically only looked area in Ether, submitted corpse in AH Town and looked area in Ether between the problem occurring. The submitted corpse wasn't even in the Ether Plane. The mob and item that appeared on the bugged AH Ether card weren't related to anything that happened between the bug - which leads me to think that perhaps it's commands/cards/actions from other players that cause some sort of interference rather than an issue related to a single players actions. I'd be suspicious of any data processing the offer spirit command does and any shared variables it might use. The bugged cards simply don't represent anything that a player had before the bug occurred, but look like a typical card from another player.
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