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Postby Gorka » Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:18 am

Not sure why the eq from EU isn't being publicly listed. If you have something please ID and add to the thread.

Salt Guardian (Plane of Salt)

You feel informed:
Object 'skull salt encrusted', Item type: CONTAINER
Maxweight: 25
Weight: 1, Value: 26437gold, Worn in: TAKE HOLD
Can affect you as:
Affects: RESIST_FIRE by 10
Affects: INT by 1
Only those who are at least experienced magic users, clerics, druids,
necromancers, or bards may use this item.

Vargouille (Plane of Smoke)

You feel informed:
Object 'head disembodied dis beast pos', Item type: ARMOR
Weight: 4, Value: 15647gold, Worn in: TAKE HOLD
AC-apply is -0.2
Can affect you as:
Affects: STAB_DAMAGE by 5
Affects: CIRCLE_DAMAGE by 5
Only those who are at least master thieves may use this item.

Salt Elemental (Plane of Salt)

You feel informed:
Object 'rod salt crystal elemental pure', Item type: LIGHT
Weight: 3, Value: 8464gold, Worn in: TAKE HOLD
Can affect you as:
Affects: MANA by 5
Affects: HITROLL by 1
Only those who are at least apprentice magic users, clerics, druids,
necromancers, or bards may use this item.
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Postby Gorka » Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:24 am

Ajkllyflljyk, the Volcanic Dragon (Plane of Magma)

You feel informed:
Object 'helmet helm dragonscale dragon scale ruby', Item type: ARMOR
Weight: 4, Value: 139404gold, Worn in: TAKE HEAD
AC-apply is -0.9
Can affect you as:
Affects: MAX_DEX by 1
Only those who are at least supreme thieves, warriors, bards, or monks, and
have attained supremacy in at least five classes may use this item.

Tigershark (Water Plane Ext)

You feel informed:
Object 'belt shark teeth pow', Item type: ARMOR
Weight: 2, Value: 21039gold, Worn in: TAKE WAIST
AC-apply is -0.2
Can affect you as:
Affects: HITROLL by 2
Affects: CIRCLE_DAMAGE by 5
Only those who are at least experienced thieves, warriors, or monks may use
this item.
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Postby Gorka » Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:30 am

Axzaelqrvha, the Jade Dragon (Air Plane Extension)

You feel informed:
Object 'slippers jade dragon pair', Item type: ARMOR
Weight: 0, Value: 0gold, Worn in: TAKE FEET
AC-apply is -0.0
Can affect you as:
Affects: INT by 2
Affects: REGEN_MANA by 1
Affects: CON by -1
Only those who are at least supreme magic users, clerics, druids,
necromancers, or bards, and have attained supremacy in at least five
classes may use this item.
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Postby *Idjit* » Fri Dec 08, 2017 12:04 am

a bearded devil (Salt Plane)

a massive crystalline halberd

You feel informed:
Object 'massive crystal crystalline halberd two', Item type: WEAPON
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 6, Value: 9874gold, Worn in: TAKE WIELD TWO-HANDED
Damage Dice is '3D8'
Only those who are at least apprentice in at least one class may use this

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Postby Gorka » Tue Dec 12, 2017 6:56 pm

Rhea's Avenger (Earth Plane Extension)

You feel informed:
Object 'bracers perseverance per sever ance earth', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: GLOW MAGIC 2x40-ITEM
Weight: 6, Value: 120458gold, Worn in: TAKE ARMS
AC-apply is -0.6
Can affect you as:
Affects: CON by 1
Affects: DAMROLL by 1
Only those who are at least supreme thieves, warriors, or monks, and have
attained supremacy in at least two classes may use this item.

Speckled Pegasus (Air Plane Extension)

You feel informed:
Object 'feather pegasus wing', Item type: COMPONENT
Weight: 1, Value: 8474gold, Worn in: TAKE HOLD
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Postby Gorka » Wed Dec 13, 2017 4:12 am

Ball of Lightning (Plane of Lightning)

You feel informed:
Object 'ring storms pol', Item type: ARMOR
Weight: 1, Value: 5748gold, Worn in: TAKE FINGER
AC-apply is -0.2
Can affect you as:
Only those who are at least apprentice magic users, clerics, thieves,
warriors, druids, necromancers, bards, or monks may use this item.

Rexnor (Plane of Lightning)

You feel informed:
Object 'boots gales flashing flash pol', Item type: ARMOR
Weight: 4, Value: 154374gold, Worn in: TAKE FEET
AC-apply is -0.3
Can affect you as:
Affects: REDUCE_DAMAGE by 1
Only those who are at least novice avatars may use this item.

The Banshee (Plane of Lightning)

You feel informed:
Object 'ring mourning pol', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: GLOW MAGIC 3x40-ITEM
Weight: 1, Value: 74648gold, Worn in: TAKE FINGER
AC-apply is -0.2
Can affect you as:
Affects: BONUS_HEAL_BONUS by 5
Only those who are at least supreme clerics, and have attained supremacy in
at least three classes may use this item.

Iqzz'Rvaehhb, The Silver Dragoness (Plane of Lightning)

You feel informed:
Object 'platemail plate mail draconis argenteis armis pol', Item type: ARMOR
Weight: 6, Value: 483923gold, Worn in: TAKE BODY
AC-apply is -2.1
Can affect you as:
Affects: BONUS_HEAL_BONUS by 10
Affects: MAX_WIS by 1
Only those who are at least supreme clerics, and have attained supremacy in
at least six classes may use this item.

Haloyle (Plane of Salt)

You feel informed:
Object 'cube grain elemental salt', Item type: COMPONENT
Item is: GLOW
Weight: 1, Value: 7462gold, Worn in: TAKE HOLD

Vsyvyxyryll (Plane of Salt)

You feel informed:
Object 'greaves copper dragonscale dragon scale', Item type: ARMOR
Weight: 0, Value: 0gold, Worn in: TAKE LEGS
AC-apply is -0.1
Can affect you as:
Affects: MANA by 5
Affects: HEAL_BONUS by 5
Only those who are at least supreme clerics and druids, and have attained
supremacy in at least five classes may use this item.
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Postby Gorka » Wed Dec 13, 2017 4:16 am

The following information may be inaccurate or incomplete...


Plane of Smoke (nnn;enter smoke)
Plane of Salt (d;d;e;enter beacon)
Plane of Magma (wwwnu;enter crack)
Air Plane Ext (eeeuneu;enter whirlwind)
Fire Plane Ext (wwwnwd;enter crack)
Earth Plane Ext (d;d;s;touch monolith)
Water Plane Ext (wwwdsd;enter tunnel)
LIGHTNING PLANE (up from Eurus)


(Air Plane Ext) - Aeolus - the tassets of the knights templar: leggings -1.2 -2saves -2weapon_dam.
(Air Plane Ext) - Axzaelqrvha, the Jade Dragon a pair of jade slippers: 2 int, +1mregen, -1 con, no ac, 5x40
(Air Plane Ext) - Eurus - the mail of the eastern squall: -1.6 +dam +resist_cold
(Air Plane Ext) - Boreas - Unknown
(Earth Plane Ext) - Delver - Unknown
(Earth Plane Ext) - Rhea's Avenger - the bracers of perseverance: -0.6 +con +dam, 40 nc and 2x40
(Earth Plane Ext) - titanic earth elemental - unknown
(Earth Plane Ext) - Maug Fighter - battered helm 1.0 +con +5 resist poison -1.0 +con +5 resist poison
(Plane Of Magma) - Abraxis - a belt of liquid fire -.2 +max_con
(Plane Of Magma) - Octopus - mass of quivering tentacles: -0.6 +hd +hit prime monk, and 5x40.
(Plane of Magma) - Ajkllyflljyk, the Volcanic Dragon - ruby dragonscale helmet: -.9 max_dex, 4xnc 40, 5x40
(Plane of Magma) - The Vulcan Priest - ball of magma heal_bonus +5, +1 wis, caster 2x40
(Plane of Magma) - balrog demon - Unknown
(Water Plane Ext) - tigershark - a belt of shark teeth
(Water Plane Ext) - aboleth - a sphere of elemental focus: +2hit +1con restricts like 40 war/40 thief
(Water Plane Ext) - Quezvxyllha - set of bronze dragonscale leggings: -1.5, RD, WB, 5x40
(Water Plane Ext) - Charybdis - a set of jagged coralline gloves '-0.2 +hit +dam +5sb'
(Water Plane Ext) - Clam - Unknown
(Plane of Smoke) - vargouille abyss demon smoke flyer - disembodied head
(Plane of Smoke) - Ehkhak - Unknown
(Plane of Salt) - ultrodaemon - unknown
(Plane of Salt) - Vsyvyxyryll, the Copper Dragon - a set of copper dragonscale greaves SHIFT -0.1 5ma HB 5
(Plane of Salt) - Beared Devil - crystalline halberd - Damage Dice is '3D8'
(Plane of Salt) - Haloyle - a cube of elemental salt
(Plane of Fire) - Hysxyruzlla, the Gold Dragon - boots of serpentinous flame
(Plane of Fire) - fire elemental - magma ring -0.3AC, +5 resist_fire +con, Exp Thief OR Mo OR Wa
(Fire Plane Ext) - Pyrkagia, Lord of Flame - Unknown
(Fire Plane Ext) - The titanic gatekeeper - Unknown
(Fire Plane Ext) - Efreeti - Unknown
(Plane of Lightning) - Iqzz'Rvaehhb, The Silver Dragoness - the draconis argenteis armis (open ring)
(Plane of Lightning) - Rexnor - the boots of the flashing gales
(Plane of Lightning) - The storm giant, Fharfagn - Unknown
(Plane of Lightning) - The Banshee - a ring of mourning
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Postby Gorka » Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:24 am

The 6 dragons have all been popped now... It appears that these are the biggest mobs in EU, and they really do require chopping to be killed efficiently. The mobs that haven't been loaded yet are also largish but can be killed by a group without choppers. I'd stop short of calling EU a "Chop Area" as some perhaps have presumptuously assumed because of these dragons. There is more to EU than chop.

Hysxyruzlla, the Gold Dragon ----------------> Hai-Six-Ee-Roo-Zil-Luh
Ajkllyflljyk, the Volcanic Dragon -------------> Azh-Kill-Ee-Flik
Axzaelqrvha, the Jade Dragon ---------------> Ax-Zil-Ker-Vah
Iqzz'Rvaehhb, The Silver Dragoness ---------> Ikz-Ar-Vay-Ebb
Quezvxyllha, the Bronze Dragoness ----------> Kwez-Vix-Ih-Luh
Vsyvyxyryll, the Copper Dragon ---------------> Viz-Ee-Vix-Er-Rill

My list of mobs, is incomplete... there are many more unlisted mobs, especially smaller mobs. There is definitely more items that load in the area, we known this for sure because there are items in the forges that haven't been popped yet...

query cyclops about battlehelm
Pheremos, the Nexian Smith tells you 'Ahh yes, the battlehelm of planar conquest...Here is a little bit
of information for you:'

Object 'battlehelm helm battle planar winged', Item type: ARMOR
Weight: 5, Value: 1000000gold, Worn in: NOBITS
AC-apply is -1.3
Can affect you as:
Affects: WEAPON_DAMAGE by 2
Affects: FLY by 1
Only those who have attained supremacy in at least five classes may use
this item.

Requires: 3000000 coins,
1x the helm of the battle lords (0), -+UNKNOWN+-
1x a winged battlehelm (0), Temple of Tepe (IS)
1x a Svirneblin propeller beanie (0), Under Dark Forge
2x a speckled pegasus wing feather (0) Pegasus on EU

query cyclops about mace
Pheremos, the Nexian Smith tells you 'Ahh yes, the mace of elemental time...Here is a little bit of
information for you:'

Object 'mace elemental time', Item type: WEAPON
Weight: 0, Value: 0gold, Worn in: TAKE WIELD
Damage Dice is '3D5'
Can affect you as:
Affects: MANA by 7
Affects: SAVING_SPELL by -1
Only those who have attained supremacy in at least five classes may use
this item.

Requires: 5000000 coins,
1x a celestial mace (0), Air Plane (AH)
1x a sphere of elemental focus (0), Aboleth on EU
1x an hourglass-shaped ring (0), -+UNKNOWN+-
2x a cube of elemental salt (0), Haloyle on EU
1x a totem of forgotten shrines (0), -+UNKNOWN+-

query cyclops about fangs
Pheremos, the Nexian Smith tells you 'Ahh yes, the fangs of the fire serpent...Here is a little bit of
information for you:'

Object 'fangs fire serpent clasp', Item type: CLASP
Weight: 0, Value: 0gold, Worn in: NOBITS
Clasp can only be attached to:
the boots of serpentinous flame
Clasp is non-removable once attached.
Clasp gives the user +1 DAMROLL
Only those who have attained supremacy in at least five classes may use
this item.

Requires: 5000000 coins,
2x a glowing dragon's fang (0), Ajkllyflljyk on EU
1x a pulsating chunk of ruby (0), -+UNKNOWN+-
1x a wand of sparks (0), -+UNKNOWN+-
1x a serpent-headed signet ring (0) Rainbow Valley (IS)

query cyclops about scallop
Pheremos, the Nexian Smith tells you 'Ahh yes, a diamond sea scallop pin...Here is a little bit of
information for you:'

Object 'scallop sea diamond pin clasp', Item type: CLASP
Weight: 0, Value: 0gold, Worn in: NOBITS
Clasp can only be attached to:
tunic of the mystic healer
Clasp is non-removable once attached.
Clasp gives the user +25 MANA
Only those who are at least supreme clerics, and have attained supremacy in
at least two classes may use this item.

Requires: 4000000 coins,
2x a bronze dragon scale (0), -+UNKNOWN+- (Likely Bronze Dragon)
1x a whale bone needle (0), -+UNKNOWN+-
1x a conch shell (0), Underdark (SS)
1x a whip of demon's flame (0) -+UNKNOWN+-

query cyclops about shield
Pheremos, the Nexian Smith tells you 'Ahh yes, a shield of flaming skulls...Here is a little bit of
information for you:'

Object 'shield skulls flaming', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 6, Value: 132536gold, Worn in: TAKE SHIELD
AC-apply is -0.6
Can affect you as:
Affects: UNDEAD_CONTROL by 1
Affects: MAX_INT by 1
Only those who are primary supreme necromancers, and have attained
supremacy in at least five classes may use this item.

Requires: 4000000 coins,
2x a salt encrusted skull (0), Salt Guardian on EU
1x a ball of magma (0), Vulcan Priest on EU
1x the shield of serpentinous demise (0), Jungles of Sess'Inek (IS)
1x a death's head signet ring (0) -+UNKNOWN+-

So Unknown Pieces...

1x the helm of the battle lords (0), -+UNKNOWN+-
1x a death's head signet ring (0) -+UNKNOWN+-
1x a bronze dragon scale (0), -+UNKNOWN+-
1x a whale bone needle (0), -+UNKNOWN+- water plane?
1x a whip of demon's flame (0) -+UNKNOWN+- fire plane?
1x a pulsating chunk of ruby (0), -+UNKNOWN+- earth plane?
1x a wand of sparks (0), -+UNKNOWN+- lightning plane?
1x an hourglass-shaped ring (0), -+UNKNOWN+-
1x a totem of forgotten shrines (0), -+UNKNOWN+-

In most cases the clue to where the item loads is in the equipment name... hence I've suggested where I would start looking. For example the "draconis argenteis armis" equipment that loaded on the silver dragon literally means 'silver armor dragon' in Latin. Rings have tended to load on solo mobs, so get in there and find them, and most of all keep this thread updated. I don't see much advantage in holding pop information in, especially if you have the item now yourself.
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Postby Gorka » Wed Dec 13, 2017 10:59 am

Dr and crew loaded these today...

Clam (Water Plane Ext)

a suit of barnacle encrusted platemail
-2.1AC +15 flail_damage, +1 sys_shock SC and SW

They also said the clam chowder afterwards was delicious. :shock:

Titanic elemental @ Earth Planes loads a pulsating chunk of ruby
CP for boots clasp (+dam)'

Efreeti (Plane of Fire)
sack of burning mana embers

The paladin of flame (Plane of Fire)
A totem of forgotten shrines ( Neck -0.6AC +con +10 resist_fire, AppAva )

magma-shark : a smoldering shark's tooth
clasp for prime thief on torches, +5circle_dam

living fossil, Salt Plane : gauntlets of crystal claws
-0.2AC , Bonus_hand_dam +2, +1hit
NoAva and SMo

Pyrkagia (Plane of Fire) loads the greaves of an incendiary death
-1.7AC -25MANA , Reduce_dam by +2, PSWa, 6x40

Stay tuned for more... wouldn't be surprised to find a +5 MAX_DEX AND +2.4ac item... :lol:
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Postby Teron » Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:03 am

an hour-glass ring loads on a smoke mephit, irrc.
I forged the mace and it procs color sprays.
Last edited by Teron on Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Gorka » Thu Dec 14, 2017 4:24 am

wand of sparks has been found @ guardian from smoke planes. It's 3 charges of hellstrike.

The wand of sparks is not recommended for children under the age of 12.

whip of demon's flame apparently pops on the Balrog Demon.

Also this popped somewhere...

Object 'shard beryllite glaucous green blue grey', Item type: LIGHT
Item is: GLOW MAGIC 2x40-ITEM
Weight: 2, Value: 26374gold, Worn in: TAKE HOLD
Affects: CIRCLE_DAMAGE by 10
Affects: HITROLL by 2
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Postby Gorka » Thu Dec 14, 2017 8:03 pm

Updated Master List...

(Air Plane Ext) - Aeolus - the tassets of the knights templar: leggings -1.2 -2saves -2weapon_dam.
(Air Plane Ext) - Axzaelqrvha, the Jade Dragon a pair of jade slippers: 2 int, +1mregen, -1 con, no ac, 5x40
(Air Plane Ext) - Eurus - the mail of the eastern squall: -1.6 +dam +resist_cold
(Air Plane Ext) - Boreas - Unknown
(Earth Plane Ext) - Delver - Unknown
(Earth Plane Ext) - Rhea's Avenger - the bracers of perseverance: -0.6 +con +dam, 40 nc and 2x40
(Earth Plane Ext) - titanic earth elemental - a pulsating chunk of ruby
(Earth Plane Ext) - Maug Fighter - battered helm 1.0 +con +5 resist poison -1.0 +con +5 resist poison
(Plane Of Magma) - Abraxis - a belt of liquid fire -.2 +max_con
(Plane Of Magma) - Octopus - mass of quivering tentacles: -0.6 +hd +hit prime monk, and 5x40.
(Plane of Magma) - Ajkllyflljyk, the Volcanic Dragon - ruby dragonscale helmet: -.9 max_dex, 4xnc 40, 5x40
(Plane of Magma) - The Vulcan Priest - ball of magma heal_bonus +5, +1 wis, caster 2x40
(Plane of Magma) - balrog demon - whip of demon's flame
(Plane of Magma) - Magma Shark - a smoldering shark's tooth - clasp for prime thief on torches, +5circle_dam
(Water Plane Ext) - tigershark - a belt of shark teeth
(Water Plane Ext) - aboleth - a sphere of elemental focus: +2hit +1con restricts like 40 war/40 thief
(Water Plane Ext) - Quezvxyllha - set of bronze dragonscale leggings: -1.5, RD, WB, 5x40
(Water Plane Ext) - Charybdis - a set of jagged coralline gloves '-0.2 +hit +dam +5sb'
(Water Plane Ext) - Clam - a suit of barnacle encrusted platemail -2.1AC +15 flail_damage, +1 sys_shock
(Plane of Smoke) - vargouille abyss demon smoke flyer - disembodied head
(Plane of Smoke) - Ehkhak - Unknown
(Plane of Smoke) - Guardian - wand of sparks - 3 charges of hellfire
(Plane of Smoke) - Smoke Mephit - an hour-glass ring
(Plane of Salt) - ultrodaemon - unknown
(Plane of Salt) - Vsyvyxyryll, the Copper Dragon - a set of copper dragonscale greaves SHIFT -0.1 5ma HB 5
(Plane of Salt) - Beared Devil - crystalline halberd - Damage Dice is '3D8'
(Plane of Salt) - Haloyle - a cube of elemental salt
(Plane of Salt) - Living Fossil - gauntlets of crystal claws -0.2AC , Bonus_hand_dam +2, +1hit
(Plane of Fire) - Hysxyruzlla, the Gold Dragon - boots of serpentinous flame
(Plane of Fire) - fire elemental - magma ring -0.3AC, +5 resist_fire +con, Exp Thief OR Mo OR Wa
(Plane of Fire) - The paladin of flame - A totem of forgotten shrines - Neck -0.6AC +con +10 resist_fire
(Fire Plane Ext) - Pyrkagia, Lord of Flame - greaves of an incendiary death -1.7 -25ma +2 DR
(Fire Plane Ext) - The titanic gatekeeper - Unknown
(Fire Plane Ext) - Efreeti - sack of burning mana embers
(Plane of Lightning) - Iqzz'Rvaehhb, The Silver Dragoness - the draconis argenteis armis (open ring)
(Plane of Lightning) - Rexnor - the boots of the flashing gales
(Plane of Lightning) - The storm giant, Fharfagn - Unknown
(Plane of Lightning) - The Banshee - a ring of mourning

Unknown Location ATM
Object 'shard beryllite glaucous green blue grey', Item type: LIGHT
Item is: GLOW MAGIC 2x40-ITEM
Weight: 2, Value: 26374gold, Worn in: TAKE HOLD
Affects: CIRCLE_DAMAGE by 10
Affects: HITROLL by 2
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Postby Ker » Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:33 pm


the boots of serpentinous flame (with the fangs of the fire serpent attached to it)

You feel informed:
Object 'boots serpentinous serpent flame', Item type: ARMOR
Weight: 3, Value: 364849gold, Worn in: TAKE FEET
AC-apply is 0.1
Can affect you as:
Affects: MAX_DEX by 1
Affects: DAMROLL by 1 (the fangs of the fire serpent)

Only those who are at least supreme thieves and also supreme warriors, and novice avatars may use this item.


I forged clasp and attached on boots and found that other players were not able to use it.

Feedback : The boots of serpentinous flame stings you when you try to put it on!

I understand area has been in for awhile now, did anyone else experience this also?

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Postby Ker » Sat Dec 16, 2017 3:24 pm

Hola again.

Fangs are personal. #$%^!

You junk the boots of serpentinous flame.

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Postby Ezekiel » Tue Dec 19, 2017 2:43 pm

Ekhak- Lord of Smoke

smoky sapphire sleeves..It glows violet!..It has a soft glowing aura!

cast 'identify' sleeves
You feel informed:
Object 'sleeves smoky sapphire pos', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: GLOW MAGIC 3x40-ITEM
Weight: 4, Value: 342527gold, Worn in: TAKE ARMS
AC-apply is -0.5
Can affect you as:
Affects: HITROLL by 2
Affects: WEAPON_DAMAGE by 1
Only those who are at least supreme clerics, thieves, warriors, or bards,
and have attained supremacy in at least three classes may use this item.
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