Wiki Updates

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Wiki Updates

Postby *Neptune* » Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:21 pm

1. Created and implemented the Map submissions page. This page will likely
undergo some updates throughout the course of its life. This page is not
meant to be a strict set of rules, but rather guidelines and some helpful
suggestions when submitting maps for review. As always, it is up to the
reviewing immortal whether or not to adhere strictly or not at all to the
guidelines contained therein. A link to the Map Submissions page can be
found off the Continents page which is, in return, linked from the sidebar
within the wiki site.

2. Added Mandelbrot's Mansion to the Areas list, and created a page for
said area. I anticipate that we will have a map soon for this area.


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Re: Wiki Updates

Postby *Neptune* » Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:50 pm

Having concluded the Map Quest, we now have three new maps. I would like to thank those of you who participated in the map's quest. You've certainly shown your skill and willingness to help out and be a part of the SlothMUD family. Your contributions are invaluable to us!

The maps uploaded to the wiki site are:

1. Lirgea
2. Pagoda of Enlightenment
3. Mandelbrot's Mansion

The Map submissions Page has also been updated to relfect the newly
submitted maps. Thanks again, guys!

More maps are in the making. Submit a map to be a part of the future of the wiki maps! See the world! Get rewards! Be immortalized in...umm...pixels or ones and zeros (or something like that.) Also, look forward to future mapmaking quests.

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Re: Wiki Updates

Postby *Neptune* » Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:03 pm

1. Added map to Thalassian Savanna page.
2. Updated Thalassian Savanna summary.
3. Added Farmstead to list of Valkyre areas.
4. Created Farmstead page.
5. Updated Map_Submissions_Guidelines page.
6. Updated one or two area summaries because apparently one area's
summary was pasted multiple times on the wrong page(s). Please let
us know if you see any discrepancies.

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Re: Wiki Updates

Postby *Neptune* » Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:20 pm

1. Farmstead Map added to the Farmstead Wiki Page.
2. Farmstead run updated on the Valkyre Continent Page.
3. Farmstead run updated on the Farmstead Wiki Page.

Thanks to Maloj for making this possible :)

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Re: Wiki Updates

Postby *Neptune* » Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:04 pm

1. The Raven's Roost Inn's page has been added to the wiki.
2. The Raven's Roost Inn has been added to the list of areas.
3. The Raven's Roost Inn has been added to the Island Continent page.
4. The Raven's Roost Inn has been added to the list of needed maps
on the Map submissions page.


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Re: Wiki Updates

Postby *Neptune* » Mon May 20, 2013 5:13 pm

I'd like to take this time to thank Tuk for making a map for the Temple of
Tepeyollotl and providing us with relevant information and a run to go with
that map. In accordance with this new information, I submit the following:

1. Map added to the Temple of Tepeyollotl page.
2. Run updated for the Temple of Tepeyollotl on area page.
3. Run updated for the Temple of Tepeyollotl on Island Continent page.
4. Updated the Map Submissions Guidelines Page.


On a side note, I ran through some reported typos this weekend. Hopefully,
you guys will notice the updates in the game. Was mostly room and mob descriptions.

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Re: Wiki Updates

Postby *Neptune* » Fri May 31, 2013 11:48 am

The Holy Equipment page has been updated.
The values represented on that page should be correct.
Items that CANNOT be prayed for are:

Holy Girdle
Holy Band
Holy Bracelet

The items that CAN be prayed for are on the page.
You may find this page at the following address:

Any questions, comments, suggestion? Feel free to
direct them to me ingame.


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Re: Wiki Updates

Postby *Neptune* » Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:07 am

Updated the Triple40 Equipment to reflect what their values are in the
game to help you guys make more informed decisions when choosing.
Several items were updated. If there are any discrepancies I missed,
don't hesitate to give me a shout in the game. You can find the wiki
page here:


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Re: Wiki Updates

Postby *Neptune* » Sun Oct 27, 2013 11:50 am

1. Created the Ruins of Gildebruun wiki page.
2. Updated the Map Submissions.
3. Updated the continents page.
4. Updated the Areas category page.

Feel free to submit runs and a map for The Ruins of Gildebruun. Each are
needed and an appropriate reward will be given for the best map. As always,
any help in this area is appreciated and welcomed.


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Re: Wiki Updates

Postby *Neptune* » Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:46 pm

The following changes have been made to the Wiki:

1. Fixed broken Necromancy link on Wall of Flesh page.
2. Created Blessing of the Avatar wiki page.
3. Created Lloyds Beacon redirect page.
4. Created Natures Revival redirect page.
5. Created Protection From Evil redirect page.
6. Edited Rina Cruinne wiki page. This will now be cross-referenced on the Abilities page
and song categories. Corrected link to topic of "Death" and it will now work. Also,
this page is now listed under Songs rather than spells.
7. Created Speak With Dead redirect page.
8. Created Talshan's Tribute redirect page.
9. Created Wall of Sleep redirect page.
10. Edited Resist Cold wiki page to remove redundancy and broken links.
11. Edited Resist Fire wiki page to remove redundancy and broken links.
12. Created the Fargate Spell Page.

More to come as time allows, guys.


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Re: Wiki Updates

Postby *Neptune* » Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:20 pm

Changelog for 12/4/13:

Created Push Page. Linked to Help Files and Commands.
Updated Skill:Heavy Armor Proficiency. Corrected errors regarding
related terms. Made the manual searchable via the EQ list.
Linked a stealthy manual of deception to the EQ List via Skill:Steal.
Corrected typo on the Skills:Palm page.
Created redirect page for Disarm Traps.
Create redirect page for Circle Stab.
Corrected broken link on Skill:Shadowwalk page.
Updated Skill:Excrutiating Blow with prerequisite informaton.
Created redirect page for Necrology.
Fixed stratum link on Spell:Fly page.
Created Skill:Battle Focus page.
Corrected broken link on Reign of the Spider page.
Updated broken links on Spell:Restiveness page.
Updated broken links of the Spell:Restoration page.
Updated broken links on the Spell:Raise Dead page.
Updated broken links on the Spell:Scrybite page.
Updated broken link on Spell:Hellstrike page.
Created Kylas Delight redirect page.
Updated broken link on Spell:Shocking Grasp page.
Created Spell:Slow page.
Created Spell:Strength page.
Updated broken links on Spell:Firewind page.

Enjoy. More to come.

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Re: Wiki Updates

Postby *Neptune* » Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:52 pm

Some of you may notice some repeats from previous posts.
The redirects listed here that may be in previous posts
reflect entry points that are different than the previous ones.

Created Cure Deafness redirect page.
Created Wealth and Glory redirect page.
Created Brothers in Arms redirect page.
Created Create Water rediect page.
Created Detect Invisibility rediect page.
Created Detect Magic redirect page.
Created Faerie Fire redirect page.
Created Phase Door redirect page.
Created Beyond the Shadows redirect page.
Created Chill Touch redirect page.
Created Create Food redirect page.
Created Glamour redirect page.
Created Invisibility redirect page.
Created Web redirect page.
Created Armor redirect page.
Created Burning Hands redirect.
Created Sanctuary for the Soul redirect.
Created Dispel Magic redirect.
Created Locate Object redirect.
Created March of the Heroes redirect.
Created Shocking Grasp redirect.
Created Blindness redirect.
Created Fare Thee Well redirect.
Created Teleport redirect.
Created Dreams of the Castle redirect.
Created Infavision redirect.
Created Lightning Bolt redirect.
Created Colour Spray redirect
Created Call of the Cuillen redirect
Created Dance of the Many redirect
Created Knights Blessing redirect.
Created Reign of the Spider redirect
Created Spirit Marker redirect
Created Spirit Watcher redirect page.
Created Charm Person redirect.
Created Song of the Mist redirect.
Created Fireball redirect
Created Hymn of the Morning Star redirect
Created Sacred Reprieve redirect
Created Gate redirect
Cretaed Haunted Dirge redirect
Created Flames at Midnight redirect
Created Gods of War redirect
Created Closing Weave redirect
Created Dance with the Dead redirect
Created Reign of Confusion redirect
Created Wall of Sleep redirect
Created Passage redirect
Created Eye of the Beholder redirect
Created Condemnation redirect
Created Rina Cruinne redirect
Created Oghams psalm of discipline redirect
Created Cry of the Avatars redirect
Created Feast redirect
Created Call of the Sidhe redirect
Created Convocation redirect
Created Hymn of an Artisan redirect
Created Dance of the Seven Luck Gods redirect
Created Identify redirect
Created redirect page for Speak with Dead
Created redirect for Spellcraft.
Created redirect for Simulacrum
Created Unholy Strength page.
Created redirect for Ritual of Resurrection



More to come.

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Re: Wiki Updates

Postby *Neptune* » Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:30 pm


Redirects Created:
Preserve Food Detect Poison Will O The Wisp Cure Light
Remove Poison Goodberry Cure Minor Resist Cold
Resist Fire Control Weather Water Breathing Stone to Flesh
Cure Normal Call Lightning Regeneration Fog
Morning Glory Cure Serious Fly Battle Shift
Fluidity Elemental Resistance Cure Critic Rapid Shift
Sunbeam Brambles Garden Heal
Twister Walk of the Cheetah Nature's Revival Shield of Thorns
Willow wind Winds of Fortune Avalanche Dawnfire
Chill Bane Fire Bane Mantra of the Ancient Tribes
Nature's Upheaval Moon Aura Nature's Upheaval
Additional Corrections:
Corrected minor typo on Nature's Upheaval page.
Corrected minor typo of Mantra of the Ancient Tribes page.
Changed name of Mantra of the Ancient Tribals page to Mantra of the Ancient Tribes.

More to come.

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Re: Wiki Updates

Postby *Neptune* » Sat Dec 28, 2013 2:27 pm


Added wiki page for the new area by Mirage titled The Athenaeum.
Linked The Athenaeum page to the Areas page.
Added The Athenaeum page to the list of areas on the Island's main page.

For those wishing to submit a map for this area, please contact Mirage.
We are still needeing a run submission as well. You can contact me
(Neptune) for the run submission and I'll be more than happy to add
it tot he wiki page(s).

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Re: Wiki Updates

Postby *Neptune* » Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:20 pm


1. Created The King's Bazaar wiki page.
2. Added map for King's Bazaar. Credit goes to Ovid. (Thanks!)
3. Added The King's Bazaar to the Thordfalan Continent page.
4. Added The King's Bazaar to the Areas list page.

Any questions, concerns, or suggestions you find with these changes, please contact
me here: or ingame.

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