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Postby Virus » Thu May 14, 2009 11:07 pm

Thanks for "fixing" juju, it'll be harder to solo now, I know this is suppose to be a group mud, but for some of us on the other side of the world with the time difference its very hard, for me I can usually only catch group when its about to end. Btw are you planning on adding more type of pets? or just stretch the old ones we have for the 4 class system to this new 8 class system?
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Postby *Splork* » Thu May 14, 2009 11:38 pm

I am not going to allow 1600 hp jujus, Im sorry. Try to find another prime skill that has the power a juju has and you will fail.

We are trying to flush out the animate, supplication, shapeshift, and summon mob lists but right now we have no Immortals who have time to code the mobs using our ingame language, MUDL. When we can get more help we surely plan on doing so. When will this be? I have no clue right now.

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Postby jezer » Thu May 14, 2009 11:44 pm

Flush as in down the toilet? Your gonna nerf my elder ants? *Laughing* That's impossible! They were born nerfed! :evil:

Sooooo... No mimmicking spells, no pets... but we are to come up with ways to improve bard... and for solo which is it's weakest point... :roll:

Lets give him uber weapons of mass phenominalness and defense! Oh wait that's warrior... :/
Lets give him song of awesome formness for crazy fighting! Oh wait that's druid... :/
Lets give him instant keelness! Oh wait that's thief... :/
Lets give great balls of fire! Oh wait that's mage... :/
Lets give him great pets of awesomeness! Bah necro... :(
Lets give him healing powers of the gods! Oh wait that's cleric... :|
Lets give nothingness absorption thingy! That's monk... :<

Erm, what's left? Looks like you'll have to settle for crap minstrel, see ya and thanks for the fun and wasted years... and don't forget vote.

If you want sloth to be fun to play... maybe remove your hands from around it's neck? Geahs Splork, we love the game, and we love the fact you maintain it... but sheeesshh. Your optioning us out here.
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Postby Bennett » Fri May 15, 2009 2:04 am


I for one like the new sloth. Thanks for all your hard work!

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Postby Virus » Fri May 15, 2009 2:14 am

If you want sloth to be fun to play... maybe remove your hands from around it's neck? Geahs Splork, we love the game, and we love the fact you maintain it... but sheeesshh. Your optioning us out here.[/quote]

Amen...Thanks clannie
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Postby Gimlet » Fri May 15, 2009 6:02 am

as much as i agree with some/much of what mike bitched about, this post is bordering on retarded.

There's a reason this mud is multi-classed.

If you think thieves solo without using skills from other classes, you're mad.
If you think mages can go in blasting mobs without using skills/spells from other classes, you're mad
So clerics can heal, but seriously, which cleric spell helps them solo?

Sure, druids are still overpowered in the eyes of most people.

The thing i don't understand is, you bitch about certain classes being overpowered, then u bitch when they make changes to try to balance it out for everyone.

I think everyone should take this as a completely new game (which it pretty much is) and not try to compare it to sloth 3....hell, I know of people who are still comparing it to sloth 2. This mud's only been up for like over a month....give it some time to even out its kinks. If you REALLY think something isn't right, feel free to suggest how they can be changed. Instead of saying "this sucks" or "that is overpowered" and then bitch about what the imms do about it

[quote="jezer":3brz9a4g]Flush as in down the toilet? Your gonna nerf my elder ants? *Laughing* That's impossible! They were born nerfed! :evil:

Sooooo... No mimmicking spells, no pets... but we are to come up with ways to improve bard... and for solo which is it's weakest point... :roll:

Lets give him uber weapons of mass phenominalness and defense! Oh wait that's warrior... :/
Lets give him song of awesome formness for crazy fighting! Oh wait that's druid... :/
Lets give him instant keelness! Oh wait that's thief... :/
Lets give great balls of fire! Oh wait that's mage... :/
Lets give him great pets of awesomeness! Bah necro... :(
Lets give him healing powers of the gods! Oh wait that's cleric... :|
Lets give nothingness absorption thingy! That's monk... :<

Erm, what's left? Looks like you'll have to settle for crap minstrel, see ya and thanks for the fun and wasted years... and don't forget vote.

If you want sloth to be fun to play... maybe remove your hands from around it's neck? Geahs Splork, we love the game, and we love the fact you maintain it... but sheeesshh. Your optioning us out here.[/quote:3brz9a4g]
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Postby Dragoth » Fri May 15, 2009 1:03 pm

What i dont understand is this, You delete everyone, add 8 classes so that everyone will now at least quadruple their time to avatar so your efforts of making the gaming experience longer worked, but why do you bother with nerfs as the purpose of nerfs is practically the same (taking longer to achieve the same thing)?

I understand you want the game to be more progressive, but it will be anyway! You want to cap the power of players so that now they are as powerful at 8x40 as they were at 4x40 ? Why ?

I personally think its the wrong approach as it will only encourage more whining as players are not getting anywhere because of the constant nerfs and will only result in disapointment on everyone's side. Let the players have their power, let them have more hp, let them have more power, but create areas that require that sort of power.

Instead of balancing the classes down, balance them up, let the weaker classos like bards become stronger through

Stop the nerfs and the disapointment.
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Postby Thraxas » Fri May 15, 2009 1:07 pm

Couple of points on this, I don't intend to really comment on any of the individual changes, mainly because it wouldn't make much difference what I say, but also because I welcome most (inc the recent necro) changes as good for the mud.

[b:xxhaagzd]Please Dont Discourage Soloists[/b:xxhaagzd]
I would however like to echo (I think it was Guinex) who made the comment that on this side of the world there are often less players on at the times we can play, and group opportunities are far more limited. I play necro because it has some advantages while soloing, (imo th prime and dr prime are still better solo, but necro is certainly good.) While making changes to sloth to encourage grouping please don't discourage those of us who get most of our xp from soloing.

[b:xxhaagzd]The reward for success is a disadvantaeous readjustment?[/b:xxhaagzd]
The other point is that it seems to me the imms are watching play to see the power balance of each class prime. The result of this is that if you play well you are opening your prime class to be nerfed. A player might be able to solo a lot of xp quickly but that could equally be because they're just very good at playing rather than some inherent advantage all of their class has.
(Perhaps if I could persuade all the necro primes to play badly for a couple of weeks we'll get necro buffed?)
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Postby Dragoth » Fri May 15, 2009 1:10 pm

As far as bards go, they ARE the weakest class on sloth and its not too hard to make them better if only immortals realise that bards really need a serious boost.

Make a song that enhances the damage of a particular elemental a spell (ice, earth, fire) and coupled with your idea to allow bard primes to sing at the same time as casting, you can have a bard that will increase his casting abilities by a mile which could make a bard/mage a very powerfull solo char at low levels or a very important group member for a mage prime to have with him! , depending on how much power you want to allow that spell to have you can stop all the bards sufferings in a few coding hours..
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Postby Kanae » Fri May 15, 2009 4:07 pm

As a bard prime ... soloing i rely on all my other classes using very little of the bard class only skills..maybe 3 songs... when i join groups.. there are so many with bard in their class and with the mana to spare..they sing all the bard group songs that are really needed. It makes me ask why choose bard prime. Well you could say lower cost to sing, the benefit of hitting more people with your song. You could say to make charms, what kind of charms..to distribute..okay.. everyone can cast the same spells i can create so to help them reserve their mana fine or cover them until they get the spell okay. Sing for pops.. sounds great.. sit for hours at a mob and pray it pops the right item when you sing..oh don't wander to far... you have maybe 3 ticks to sing in if you get warning of when the mob is going to repop and you have to have enough mana to maintain the song.. gains for the bard ..well item if it pops..xp no..coin..no (unless you resell the item). How to improve the situation.... give the bard something unique..they have the unique they can sing.. the down fall.. everyone can be a bard to some degree. Personally we have not seen enough of high level bards to see how they are better than other classes with bard for songs. The idea of bard primes singing in chorus together for added benefit is a nice idea..does this help them solo no, but it may be a factor in being bard prime over another class. A change to cry of the avatar.. the sound of the song is suppose to do internal damage no? ..well make it like the asp poison then.. each additional strike increases a prolonged -hp affect on the mob? a prime only skill will it help solo well to a degree in rooms without many mobs yes. no need to increase the existing damage just add a "poison style" affect ever see ettin bard.. wow.. you have the chance of become deaf.which affects spell casting..talking etc.. so why is it that bards don't have a reduced power version of this same song..? I would say the ettin verision is seriously over powered as player song.

Honestly the new verision of sloth has been up such a short time..we have 8 classes with avatar to work threw...we have lyme coming to everyone ...people wanting lockers, castles,vaults... glitches that need to be ironed out.. new items in place that create more issues and balancing
Give the immortals a chance to listen to us watch us and make improvements. If something is seriously out of wack then yes speak up on it but do remember how much there has been done, there is yet to do and how many of each prime class there is. We all have a voice and we all speak our minds. Before you go off hostile..put yourself in the other spot and take a minute to reflect on the real issue and maybe a solution.
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Postby jezer » Sat May 16, 2009 1:10 am

Nice changes to bard prime I see. Thx Splork, hope ya didn't make that spell book load on Tepa or something as a reprisal though... haha :twisted:

So guess higher charisma and singing while blasting means a bard can sing cry of the avatar at more damage and blast as well? Sounds good... is it?
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Postby Magi » Sat May 16, 2009 1:59 am

The last two changes to bards (instruments and 'double casting') are nice, but they don't address the core issue.

Bards are not thieves, warriors, or monks. They have no backstab, strike, or deathblow. Everything useful a bard does is mana based. So... [b:1ekdpkv4]give them caster regen.[/b:1ekdpkv4] Spells and mana are all they do. It doesn't require an army of coders, and groups will greatly benefit from the sudden influx of new bards that will be created.

There's a reason every bard has to be druid second, and it's a real shame.
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Postby Thraxas » Sat May 16, 2009 7:26 am

perhaps an easier solution would be to say Bard is not available as a prime class?
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Postby Magi » Thu May 21, 2009 11:28 pm

More unreported changes:

Wurms (recently moved from 0.38 to 2x40) accuracy reduced roughly 3 times (whiff 1-2 times a round - formerly once every other round)

It is now possible to hit 'very hard' as a wurm, despite wearing both +dam and +str shift gear. Decreased from the former extremely hard.

Awaken (druid summon spell) - number of followers [mound] you can get halved.

Is there any player stupid enough to start a new druid prime at this point? No sign of these 'fixes' letting up any time soon either. Is that the intention? Someone (Jake?) hates shift forms so we nerf druid a couple times a week until they all quit?

Or -- did any other classo find their follower limit halved?
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Postby jezer » Fri May 22, 2009 12:06 am

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

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