New/changed eq thread

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New/changed eq thread

Postby Medios » Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:37 am

Topiary Dragon

Object 'tarnished silver plated leggings', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: MAGIC
Weight: 10, Value: 30000gold, Worn in: TAKE LEGS
AC-apply is -1.0
Can affect you as:
Affects: CON by 1
Only those who are at least adept clerics, warriors, necromancers, or bards

Mutant slime monster

Object 'ivory belt', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: MAGIC
Weight: 1, Value: 8400gold, Worn in: TAKE WAIST
AC-apply is -0.1
Can affect you as:
Affects: DEX by 1
Only those who are at least novice magic users, clerics, thieves, warriors,
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Postby Medios » Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:14 am

southern oaf

Object 'helmet helm rubber', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 3, Value: 6450gold, Worn in: TAKE HEAD
AC-apply is -0.7
Can affect you as:
Affects: STR by 1
Affects: MOVE by 5
Only those who are at least adept magic users or apprentice clerics, or
apprentice thieves, or apprentice warriors, or apprentice druids, or adept
necromancers, or apprentice bards, or apprentice monks may use this item.<151hp 31ma 215mv>

black knight
Object 'spangelhelm large helm helmet', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 4, Value: 16000gold, Worn in: TAKE HEAD
AC-apply is -1.0
Can affect you as:
Affects: HITROLL by 1
Only those who are at least novice thieves, warriors, or bards may use this
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Postby Toxis » Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:16 pm

Elena pops Mystic chainmail

Object 'suit mystic chain mail chainmail', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: MAGIC
Weight: 10, Value: 39000gold, Worn in: TAKE BODY
AC-apply is -1.9
Only those who are at least adept magic users, thieves, warriors, druids,
necromancers, bards, or monks may use this item.
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Postby Medios » Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:14 am

southern oaf in vk

Object 'bone golden circlet', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: MAGIC
Weight: 2, Value: 20000gold, Worn in: TAKE HEAD
AC-apply is -0.4
Can affect you as:
Affects: WIS by 1
Only those who are at least adept magic users and also apprentice clerics
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Postby Thraxas » Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:33 pm

lesser helm now -1.0
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Postby Medios » Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:46 am

chest in thugs

Object 'mace blood', Item type: WEAPON
Weight: 5, Value: 20500gold, Worn in: TAKE WIELD
Damage Dice is '4D3'
Can affect you as:
    Affects: HITROLL by 2
    Affects: REGEN_HP by 2
Only those who are at least apprentice clerics or adept warriors, or
apprentice druids, or apprentice bards, or adept monks may use this item.
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Postby Medios » Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:38 am

BH garden tangle vine could be random?
Object 'sloth brooch', Item type: CLASP
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 1, Value: 5500gold, Worn in: TAKE
Clasp can only be attached to:
necklaces, amulets, and gorgets
Clasp gives the user +1 HITROLL
Clasp gives the user +5 HITPOINT
Only those who are no more than adept magic users, clerics, thieves,
warriors, druids, necromancers, bards, and monks may use this item.
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Postby Assirian » Sun Apr 19, 2009 7:54 am

amethyst necklace changed:

Object 'necklace amethyst chain', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 1, Value: 200gold, Worn in: TAKE NECK
AC-apply is -0.1
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Postby Toxis » Fri Apr 24, 2009 7:39 pm

ruby statue in crypt pops:

You feel informed:
Object 'silver crystal choker', Item type: ARMOR
Weight: 1, Value: 295000gold, Worn in: TAKE NECK
AC-apply is -0.1
Can affect you as:
Affects: INT by 1
Affects: REGEN_MANA by 2
Only those who are at least adept magic users, clerics, druids, or
necromancers may use this item.
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Postby Thraxas » Wed Apr 29, 2009 3:23 pm

You recite a scroll of identify which dissolves.
You feel informed:
Object 'heavy iron leg plates', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 12, Value: 65000gold, Worn in: TAKE LEGS
AC-apply is -1.4
Only those who are at least experienced warriors may use this item.
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Postby Thraxas » Fri May 01, 2009 11:42 am

Granite Bracers : very very stingy pop rate and disapointing to see they've been cut to 0.7 after so much work to get them:

You recite a scroll of identify which dissolves.
You feel informed:
Object 'sleeves granite', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 10, Value: 115000gold, Worn in: TAKE ARMS
AC-apply is -0.7
Only those who are at least adept thieves, warriors, bards, or monks may
use this item.
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Postby Magi » Fri May 01, 2009 10:51 pm

Object 'bracelet runed onyx', Item type: TREASURE
Item is: 2x40-ITEM
Weight: 3, Value: 350000gold, Worn in: TAKE WRIST
Can affect you as:
Affects: SPELL_BONUS by 5
Affects: HEAL_BONUS by 5
Only those who are at least supreme magic users, clerics, druids,
necromancers, or bards, and have attained supremacy in at least two classes
may use this item.
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Postby Medios » Tue May 05, 2009 11:30 am

A little snudiss cringes.
<619hp 196ma 215mv>

Lob utters the words, 'uqz grul'
A little snudiss is hit by an ice ray from Lob and is now a solid block of ice.
A little snudiss is dead! R.I.P.
You receive 254394 experience points as your share.
Ancient wurm Stryx receives 382820 experience points.
Lob receives 199991 experience points.
Total exp for kill is 837205.

Your blood freezes as you hear a little snudiss's death cry.
Lob gets gold coins from the corpse of a little snudiss that's on the ground.
Lob splits 12307 coins. Your share is 4102 coins.
Lob gets an emerald bracelet from the corpse of a little snudiss that's on the ground.
<619hp 196ma 215mv>

Shutdown by Splork.
<619hp 197ma 215mv>

Stryx has left this channel: dow.
Stryx has lost his link.
5756174 bytes received in total, compressed to 225913 bytes by MCCP (96 % saving)
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Postby Medios » Tue May 05, 2009 11:33 am


Based on DikuMUD created by:
Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen,
Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
********* * *** *************** * *
*** **** ** ** ** ************* ** **
***** **** * *** ** ** *** ** **
***** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
****** * *** **** **** *** ************
***** *** *** *** *** *** ***
***** ** ** ** *** ** **
***** ********** ** ** *** ** **
***** ********* *** * * *
* *****
*** ****

By what name do you wish to be known?
Password accepted. Press return to continue...
Welcome to SlothMUD III! This version of Sloth has been running since 1997.

For more information, please visit our website at

We are a free text-based multi-player online RPG (role-playing game). Once

you login, you can walk around, chat with other characters, explore areas

loaded with dangerous creatures, and solve puzzles and quests. All this can be

done by yourself or with your friends. This game enables you to be online, in a

game communicating with one another, having fun.

Welcome to the Sloth DikuMUD at UKANS

0) Exit from DikuMud.
1) Enter the game.
2) Enter description.
3) Read the background story
4) Change password.
5) Delete this character. [Level 9 or less only]

Make your choice: 1

Welcome to the land of SlothMUD. May your visit here be... Interesting.

Settlestone's Well
This is an extremely energetic section of the dwarven city of Settlestone.
Two bustling streets intersect here at the site of a ten foot tall statue of
the famed Krodar Thunderhammer. All four sets of city gates can be seen from
this vantage and hundreds of people walk about nearby. There is also a large
black stone well in the center of the square.
Exits: North East South West Up Down
Settlestone's newbie sign is here next to the well saying 'Look at me.'
A statue of Krodar Thunderhammer stands tall atop a pedestal.
The large central well of Settlestone is here...It glows violet!
Lob is standing here.
Lob glows with a bright light!
A dwarven animal control officer patrols the area.
A small red hamster twitches her nose.
Brandishing a long pike, a member of the dwarven militia stands ready.
A dwarven citizen walks around you as he goes about his business.
<619hp 302ma 215mv>

Assir has entered the game.
<619hp 302ma 215mv>

l lob
You see nothing special about him.
Lob is in excellent condition.

Lob is using:
<used as light> a glowing oyster's pearl
<worn on finger> a swirling red and blue ring
<worn on finger> a swirling red and blue ring
<worn around neck> a steel torc..It glows violet! (with a sloth-shaped brooch attached to it)
<worn around neck> a steel torc..It glows violet!
<worn on body> a suit of mystic chainmail..It glows violet!
<worn on head> a large spangelhelm
<worn on legs> chainmail leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of rotted cloth boots..It glows violet!
<worn on hands> a pair of leather gloves
<worn on arms> Sleeves of the Clown Lord Marshall..It glows violet!
<worn as shield> a white scaly shield (with a single-striped white sash (Private) attached to it)
<worn about body> a grey robe..It glows violet!
<worn about waist> a black silver belt..It glows violet!
<worn around wrist> a string of icy blue beads..It glows violet!
<worn around wrist> a shiny charm
<held> a blue rose..It glows violet!..It has a soft glowing aura!

You attempt to peek at the inventory:
a backpack
the mace of blood..It has a soft glowing aura!
a paladin's handbook..It emits a faint humming sound!
a scroll of minor recall..It glows violet!
a scroll of minor recall..It glows violet!
water barrel
an emerald bracelet..It glows violet!

emerald bracelet has same stats

recite identify emerald
You recite an identify scroll which dissolves.
You feel informed:
Object 'bracelet emerald', Item type: ARMOR
Item is: MAGIC
Weight: 5, Value: 195000gold, Worn in: TAKE WRIST
AC-apply is -0.3
Can affect you as:
Affects: INT by 1
Only those who are at least adept magic users may use this item.
Fight the Good Fight!

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Postby Thraxas » Tue May 05, 2009 3:01 pm

You recite a scroll of identify which dissolves.
You feel informed:
Object 'shield skull great yawning death', Item type: ARMOR
Weight: 7, Value: 140000gold, Worn in: TAKE SHIELD
AC-apply is -0.8
Only those who are at least adept magic users, clerics, thieves, warriors,
druids, necromancers, bards, or monks may use this item.

Shield of Yawning Death Mummy Sash Lieutenant Dark Dreams -1.0 AdM AdC AdT AdW AdDr AdNe AdBa AdMo [OR]

Mob is also wrong pops on:
gray-sash-zombie-lientenant (guard on East Gate)
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