Tiny Tiny little things

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Tiny Tiny little things

Postby Belrath » Fri Jan 13, 2023 4:27 pm


I'm just throwing out some ideas in this post, feel free to do the same.
Them no big deals or anything, I'm having superfun already.
I apoligize for start my bad english. You smarter people fix it.
These are just my opinions and my opinions only.

1. When player in zone types 'where' I feel like it should show lurking persons.
for example. "someone is lurking about the area"
-- that would help us not to bumb up to each other in xp areas.
-- I'd like to give first-in-area-gets-to-kill-area -to all

2. Like I said earlier, what I feel like. EU is stupidly annoying place because of chain-bash-lag,
and entrech fails ALOT, atleast that's how I see it. So I suggest some kinda message when entrench 'offs?'
and abit more success percent. I'm kinda highend Mo/Wa and its common that I fail entrench 2-5 times
in a row, lagging me over an round. I really hope ppl would give opinions on this one.

3. Could the damage impressions be increased abit? Max is now 'viciously massacres'. I dont know actually
where it starts but would be cool to have some more to it. Destroy...etc, you english people know better them words.

Ok - that's it for now. Love you Immortals for what you have done so far, awesome.
Slothmud community has become my other family. Love you all.

Special thanks for Maniac for making this HUGE new area.

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Re: Tiny Tiny little things

Postby cnl » Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:12 pm

Belrath wrote:
1. When player in zone types 'where' I feel like it should show lurking persons.
for example. "someone is lurking about the area"
-- that would help us not to bumb up to each other in xp areas.
-- I'd like to give first-in-area-gets-to-kill-area -to all

I have mixed feelings on this.
I don't like to run over people but I also feel people should be paying attention when running an area.
As a workaround I use warcry even though it has minimal value to me just to let people know I'm about.
It is a thing though where I start an area, I think it's empty, and then see death cries etc indicating someone
else is there. And who got there first, I have no idea. I know I don't show up on where myself.

Belrath wrote:
2. Like I said earlier, what I feel like. EU is stupidly annoying place because of chain-bash-lag,
and entrech fails ALOT, atleast that's how I see it. So I suggest some kinda message when entrench 'offs?'
and abit more success percent. I'm kinda highend Mo/Wa and its common that I fail entrench 2-5 times
in a row, lagging me over an round. I really hope ppl would give opinions on this one.

I will give an alternate perspective on EU. I find EU interesting and fun because it asks lots of questions
working around bash and mob bash mechanics.

Do you know what mobs are around you. What will happen if they move? Is this the most advantagous spot
to start the engagements? What preperations should I make before I start a run? Before I enter a room?
What's the 1st thing I will do when I enter a room? I may have to suffer several lagged rounds, am I
prepared? Do I have potions for emergency heals? Recalls?

If entrench is unreliable - should I ensure it's up before I engage? Should I reposition so I can safely
ensure entrench is up before I start? If it's about to fall - what will I do based on what I'm facing? Reposition?
Hope for best? Stun or apply some other affect to mob(s) so I can re-entrench? Should I switch targets/ Will I try draw mobs out? Will I try block their movements? What
alternates do do I have to entrench? (There are some it's often not my primary strategy). Should I try
pick off some mobs individually first? How?

When I first went to EU it was a pretty deadly spot. I enjoyed learning how to survive while navigating it.
Now I if I stumble on several devils I'm likely to just kill them all even with lag. I imagine it's the same
for you but maybe the issue is we've become so powerful so it's just annoyance now instead of life and death?
Personally I would like to see more challenging areas that require use of not just passive character strength but require attention and application of skills to survive.

As to whether Wa 2nd classo should have better entrench success rate than it currently has, I don't have
much opinion on this. It's not a big thing for me personally as Wa 2nd but perhaps I have less martial ambitions
for my char.

Belrath wrote:

3. Could the damage impressions be increased abit? Max is now 'viciously massacres'. I dont know actually
where it starts but would be cool to have some more to it. Destroy...etc, you english people know better them words.

How will I pretend I can hit as hard as Stun if they do this! :lol:
I do think an extra level is needed here for damage since there's quite a range on viciously now.
Plus it would be cool to see on a crit hit if you do mega damage

Belrath wrote:
Ok - that's it for now. Love you Immortals for what you have done so far, awesome.
Slothmud community has become my other family. Love you all.

Special thanks for Maniac for making this HUGE new area.
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Re: Tiny Tiny little things

Postby jayclimbs » Wed Jan 25, 2023 2:26 pm

My two cents:
Subjectively, I perceive a change in entrench between say, two years ago and now; a negative change. That is, my char (WaPrime) fails much, much more often than it used to. It "feels" like entrench has been nerfed.
If that is the case, I'd add my vote to un-nerf it. If nothing else, when an 85% chance fails vs. no opponent more then 15% of the time (as it does now, I've crunched the numbers), something is amiss. Skill level = 85% should mean 85% success rate, certainly at least when there is no other mob to compare it to!
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Re: Tiny Tiny little things

Postby cnl » Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:22 pm

Here's some real data from 104 attempted entrenches from Fuli (Wa 2nd, learned 85%)

fails = 16,
succeeds = 88,

success rate: 85%

or visually: _ was success, F was failure.


values seem about what I would expect on straight 85% chance of success.
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Re: Tiny Tiny little things

Postby cnl » Tue Jan 31, 2023 5:38 pm

Rather interestingly I did a grep/count on my logs on this pc for all instances of fail and succeed on entrench and found that for some 3500~ entrenches I had closer to an 80% success, 20% fail rate.

This does include multiple chars some of which may not have had entrench fully learned though and also includes entrench in battle and out of battle but is rather interesting. I'll persist my new stats and see how they look when I have more of them.
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Re: Tiny Tiny little things

Postby *Idjit* » Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:45 am

I got shouted down for wanting

because Isabo said "I dislike caps"

But that was maybe ten years ago.
Thoughts about this? Rob? Bob? Felix?
The same damage messages but lower case?
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Re: Tiny Tiny little things

Postby *Idjit* » Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:46 am

circleMUD's precise ranges were
obliterate 25-30
liquify 31-37
annihilate 38+

holoMUD added
devastate 55
atomize 70

not sure where vicious lands in this but perhaps kept supreme at the top?
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Re: Tiny Tiny little things

Postby Insomnia » Mon Feb 13, 2023 4:22 pm

Definitely not upper case! :)

I believe only a few characters reach the point where they start to viciously massacre. So I think just one additional message would be enough... Well, maybe two: one to let the player know, "No, you're still not at Stun's level of damage yet", and the other one to say "This was exceptionally painful", which we will normally see only for a chop, or something like Stun's critical hit against a weakened opponent.

Here are some suggestions by ChatGPT:
Sure, here are some more messages for higher levels of damage:

7. You annihilate your opponent with your powerful slash.
8. You decimate your opponent with a devastating slash.
9. You obliterate your opponent with a single mighty slash.
10. You wreak havoc on your opponent with a ferocious slash.
11. You crush your opponent with a brutal slash.
12. You pulverize your opponent with a merciless slash.
13. You maul your opponent with a merciless blow.
14. You eviscerate your opponent with a savage slash.
15. You decimate your opponent with a monstrous slash.
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Re: Tiny Tiny little things

Postby Belrath » Tue Feb 14, 2023 4:13 am

I wasn't only thinking about player chars. Some mobs hit really really hard.
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Re: Tiny Tiny little things

Postby *Idjit* » Sat Feb 18, 2023 12:18 pm

Also and if i don't miss my guess Belrath is partly talking about subdividing existing damage messages below vicious into more precise stuff too.

At least a little bit. Can speak for himself though :)
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Re: Tiny Tiny little things

Postby *Breeze* » Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:00 pm

@cnl EU is supposed to be EaC.. completely different.

That's why it feels so. I asked them what do you want to see... be creative..

I know I am not active but I was in hospital about 2 months... sucks .. then back to normal work again.. even tho my face and gravity disagreed about which way is "up"..

I want stuff that breaks the mold. If I get time, I redo seinneth procs and re-open..

I would like to see nega-vk expanded upon, go out the gates.., that sort of thing.

May even redo proc to get heart to rebirth.. undecided yet (working to get unfiltered connection at work to internet)

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Re: Tiny Tiny little things

Postby *Breeze* » Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:03 pm

For dam messages it may be possible to do more but we need upper lower limits to define or we just send via msdp... not sure what's better atm
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Re: Tiny Tiny little things

Postby Belrath » Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:19 am

Idjit wrote: "Also and if i don't miss my guess Belrath is partly talking about subdividing existing damage messages below vicious into more precise stuff too."

The existing damage message are fine to me. I was really thinking about extending them. I dont have the data about what's the amount of damage when 'viciously massacres' starts. But just for example if it starts from 80 dam, the same message comes when mob does 150 dam with one hit. The point was to put more 'color' to these things.

Also I dont know what's the difference between 'brutally massacres' and 'viciously massacres' but I think the damage needed between them are just fine. Increasing message with same amounts up to 150 would look cool perhaps. So Not so many new messages are needed *shrug*
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Re: Tiny Tiny little things

Postby Belrath » Tue Feb 21, 2023 5:23 am

Also its good to hear from you Breeze. I hope you feel better soon. Always hard to hear people been having such a hard time. *hug*
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