Nekto improtu quest

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Nekto improtu quest

Postby Shyla » Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:57 pm

Nekto ran an improptu quest today to finish off the one forge that was not yet made from kitzeh.
identify broom
You feel informed:
Object 'enchanted broom wand forge', Item type: WAND
Item is: NOBITS
Weight: 2, Value: 20000gold, Worn in: TAKE HOLD
Has 20 charges, with 20 charges left.
Level 20 spell of:
word of recall
Only those who are at least apprentice magic users, clerics, thieves,
warriors, druids, necromancers, bards, or monks may use this item.

broom is made by getting a scroll of transportation that pops on baba yaga and 2 souls of the most evil along with 100k coins and Quack will enchant broom for you
kinda nice 20 charge red staff if one should feel like hitting baba yaga :)
we also got some drachma and a grenade. It was a short deadly little quest to kill a couple mongolian assassins.messenger. then ghost of khan ...(he keeps coming back someone needs to find and burn his bones :) )
anyways thanks Nekto it was a nice little change of pace
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