Supplication stabbers

Information about the cleric class

Supplication stabbers

Postby Hung » Thu May 08, 2014 12:37 pm

Today one more prime cleric quit sloth. Of course, his reasons may be personal and not related with unhappiness about prime cleric powers. But from my talks with clerics, some of them are definitely unhappy with the current situation.
Of course, clerics are not supposed to be strong solo, but supposed to be support. So, I can't vote for an idea of giving prime clerics ability to have two supplications. That'll make necromancers from them.
Still there are not to many people online. And many clerics have to run Sheol again and again. Or kill same undead chop mobs with their dark maces agian and again. That could be quite boring, I suppose.
So I've figured out it'll be fun to give some of their supplications ability to deathgrip and/or stab. There could be two new(or existing could be remade) prime cleric supplications: one does deathgrip, other does stab. The main problem here is order followers lag, of course. But it could worked around by making supplications react on socials such as point.
I.e. let's say cleric got corpses and summoned deathgrip supplication. Then the cleric enters room with target and points at it. The supplication deathgrips target. And cleric strikes/blasts it to death. Then he heals the supplication and proceeds with the next target. Also it would be useful to make such supplications autoreport.
Of course, these supplications shouldn't be as strong grippers/stabbers as prime monks/thieves on high levels. But still cleric should be able to do at least 60% of their exp using that method.
That'll make clerics' solo lives more fun and diverse.
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Re: Supplication stabbers

Postby DarkArtist » Thu May 08, 2014 2:52 pm

Numbers are low because it's May and it's beautiful outside. Not because of any single game mechanic. You can safely bury this suggestion in the "Never gonna happen" pile.

Get some fresh air and stop worrying about such nonsense.
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Re: Supplication stabbers

Postby Truck » Thu May 08, 2014 4:50 pm

While we're at it, let's let mages stab and grip with mirrors.
Oh and I want a Juju and a pitfiend and ariel servant and presage and second wind.
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Re: Supplication stabbers

Postby Hung » Thu May 08, 2014 5:02 pm

Never I've met a mage unhappy about mages. Often I've met such clerics.
Of course, this suggestion in initial state is op. But that is customizable. I.e. the supplication may not grip/stab if cleric has aerial. The grip/stab damage could be made pretty low. So grip/stab of the supplication + wind of the cleric would be significally lower than pure grip/stab of prime monk/thief. Also the supplication will die pretty frequently and the cleric will have to collect corpses for new one. Again, this suggestion will not allow cleric to make exp even close to exp of prime monk or thief. It's just a small buff to make cleric's life more fun.
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Re: Supplication stabbers

Postby Thraxas » Fri May 09, 2014 12:30 pm

The problem with this suggestion is the same problem I saw (and imo came true) about S4 giving all chars all 8 classes ... all chars can do everything - there is no specialisation.

Classes should have a downside and stuff they cant do in order to build class identity and balance the game. Balance dosent mean everyone should be equal and be able to do the same stuff to the same extent, (that would remove the need for balance) - it just means balance.
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