Highest Shock 2K6!

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Highest Shock 2K6!

Postby brand » Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:25 pm

OMG it's the third annual highest shock in 2K event.
this time in 2K6

+11 was HIGHEST +SHOCK 2K5!
and don't forget there was +17 SHOCK in 2K4! (a shocking set of eq!)

what will it be in 2K6?!?

here's my entry for this year

<worn on finger> a fiery ring of light
<worn on finger> a fiery ring of light
<worn on shoulders> malachite shoulderguards
<worn on body> lightning vest
<worn on hands> mailed gloves
<worn on arms> a pair of white silk sleeves
<worn about waist> an ethereal sash
<worn around wrist> a band of water
<worn around wrist> a band of water
<held> a paint-bucket

that's +12 shock in 2K6
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Postby Krok » Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:29 pm

+13, not full set, and i don't wear it usually anyways.
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Postby osric » Fri Dec 08, 2006 9:39 pm

+1 Lightning Vest (can I still get an honorable mention?)
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Postby alias » Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:06 pm

I think Illic shocked me very early this year w/ a +19 but I havent seen him in a long time so I cant confirm it.

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Not the highest this year..

Postby Jag » Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:16 pm

Still working on it. +9

You are using:
<worn on finger> a fiery ring of light..It glows violet!..It has a soft glowing aura!
<worn on finger> a fiery ring of light..It glows violet!..It has a soft glowing aura!
<worn on body> a dwarven ringmail shirt (with a pretty little bow attached to it)
<worn on hands> mailed gloves..It emits a faint humming sound!
<worn on arms> a pair of white silk sleeves..It glows violet!
<worn about body> a grey robe..It glows violet!
<worn about waist> an ethereal sash..It glows violet!..It has a soft glowing aura!
<held> a paint-bucket..It has a soft glowing aura!
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Postby Autolycos » Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:07 am

[quote="alias":1ucx3hzu]I think Illic shocked me very early this year w/ a +19 but I havent seen him in a long time so I cant confirm it.


nah i only had +8 on ilic.. :P

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Postby Weasel » Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:25 am

Does it make a difference though once your 'score stats' says you've reached the peak of your ability (or whatever the wording is)?
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Postby brand » Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:27 am

+13 high so far...

[quote="Weasel":1q8rsnvl]Does it make a difference though once your 'score stats' says you've reached the peak of your ability (or whatever the wording is)?[/quote:1q8rsnvl]

the only difference is in your mind....

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Postby Guinex » Sat Dec 09, 2006 6:35 am

7 wis and -6 shock, can't animate if there still alive.
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Postby Weasel » Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:03 pm

ok seriously, on score stats, is the message:
'You have mastered the art of cheating death itself'
the highest rating possible?

I had about 4 shock eq slots above that level, and the message didn't change, and my shock/raise rate didn't appear to improve either, so I reduced my shock eq to the minimum level of slots required to keep that message showing on score stats - and it has made no noticeable difference to my shock/raise rate (this is over a number of months), at least not that I can tell..

So again I'm wondering if anyone has found that having an excess of shock eq really has any effect once you've reached that 'mastered the art of cheating death' threshold? I don't do enough raises to really give a reliable result, so perhaps someone else has?

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Postby 12345 » Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:56 pm

If you're maxxed, you're maxxed. However, you should also consider that there are other factors to raising. If you don't have 18 wisdom, then you still have room for improvement. Everything else is on the person being raised though.
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Postby Weasel » Sat Dec 09, 2006 3:00 pm

Thanks the the input 12345. Nods, I'm basically taking 18 wis as a given :) , although yeah, the con on the person being raised has an effect, not that I can control that variable.. hmm.. I wonder if every additional piece of shock eq above that max message would kind of counter each point of con below 18 on the dead person (or some such relationship between the two).
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Postby Atwell » Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:15 am

[quote="Weasel":2cr85rtx]ok seriously, on score stats, is the message:
'You have mastered the art of cheating death itself'
the highest rating possible?[/quote:2cr85rtx]

I don't know whether it's the best score stat message for system shock. All +shock figures [6, 10] yield that message, and I don't have a character capable of wearing more than that much in-game +shock eq.

I doubt that message indicates a cap. Cap messages usually take an additional line, like this:

Your offensive spells are overwhelming.
You have reached the peak of your potential for offensive spells.

[quote="Weasel":2cr85rtx]I had about 4 shock eq slots above that level, and the message didn't change, and my shock/raise rate didn't appear to improve either, so I reduced my shock eq to the minimum level of slots required to keep that message showing on score stats - and it has made no noticeable difference to my shock/raise rate (this is over a number of months), at least not that I can tell.. [/quote:2cr85rtx]

You would need to try around 1000 raises with raise targets of equal constitution to make a meaningful finding about the affect of a particular point of +shock. Furthermore, you would either use rina for all tests, or for none of them. Casually tracking your raise rate, even to that quantity of raises, will yield useless data.
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