For whatever reason the prompt hook in tf doesnt always trigger regardless if lp is set or whether the prompt ends with a newline. What does work is just treating the prompt as a trigger, gagging and processing it that way. In sloth i have my prompt set as 'PROMPT $h/$H $m/$M $v/$V$nPROMPT $g $x $a $I $D $c $Z', splitting the prompt in 2 lines and prefixing each line with 'PROMPT'.
This code will gag the prompt, setup 3 status lines (actually 4, keeping the top one blank to keep a space between status bar and mud output). Hp/ma/mv variables are colorized, auto reporting from you or others is also gagged, to ungag just remove the '-ag' from the trigger definitions.
- Code: Select all
; prompt
; to set prompt in game do:
; prompt PROMPT $h/$H $m/$M $v/$V$nPROMPT $g $x $a $I $D $c $Z
/set status_pad=
/set status_height=4
/status_add -c
/status_add -c -r1 stattopleft:32
/status_add -r1 stattopright:-0
/status_add -c -r2 statbottomleft:64
/status_add -r2 statbottomright:-0
/status_add -c -r3 statgroupleft:64
; multiply vars by 1.0 to force floating point division
/def updatestatus = \
/if (({chp} * 1.0) / {mhp} <= .33) \
/test hpstat := decode_attr("@{Cbrightred}%chp@{Cgray}/@{Cbrightred}%mhp@{Cgray}hp") %; \
/endif %; \
/if (({cma} * 1.0) / {mma} <= .33) \
/test mastat := decode_attr("@{Cbrightred}%cma@{Cgray}/@{Cbrightred}%mma@{Cgray}ma") %; \
/endif %; \
/if (({cmv} * 1.0) / {mmv} <= .33) \
/test mvstat := decode_attr("@{Cbrightred}%cmv@{Cgray}/@{Cbrightred}%mmv@{Cgray}mv") %; \
/endif %; \
/if (({chp} * 1.0) / {mhp} > .33) \
/test hpstat := decode_attr("@{Cbrightyellow}%chp@{Cgray}/@{Cbrightyellow}%mhp@{Cgray}hp") %; \
/endif %; \
/if (({cma} * 1.0) / {mma} > .33) \
/test mastat := decode_attr("@{Cbrightyellow}%cma@{Cgray}/@{Cbrightyellow}%mma@{Cgray}ma") %; \
/endif %; \
/if (({cmv} * 1.0) / {mmv} > .33) \
/test mvstat := decode_attr("@{Cbrightyellow}%cmv@{Cgray}/@{Cbrightyellow}%mmv@{Cgray}mv") %; \
/endif %; \
/if (({chp} * 1.0) / {mhp} > .66) \
/test hpstat := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}%chp@{Cgray}/@{Cbrightgreen}%mhp@{Cgray}hp") %; \
/endif %; \
/if (({cma} * 1.0) / {mma} > .66) \
/test mastat := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}%cma@{Cgray}/@{Cbrightgreen}%mma@{Cgray}ma") %; \
/endif %; \
/if (({cmv} * 1.0) / {mmv} > .66) \
/test mvstat := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}%cmv@{Cgray}/@{Cbrightgreen}%mmv@{Cgray}mv") %; \
/endif %; \
/if (({tchp} * 1.0) / {tmhp} <= .33) \
/test tstat := decode_attr("@{Cgray}Leader: @{Cbrightgreen}%leader @{Cgray}Tank: @{Cbrightred}%tank @{Cbrightred}%tchp@{Cgray}/@{Cbrightred}%tmhp @{Cbrightgreen}%tspells@{Cgray} Target: @{Cbrightgreen}%target") %; \
/endif %; \
/if (({tchp} * 1.0) / {tmhp} > .33) \
/test tstat := decode_attr("@{Cgray}Leader: @{Cbrightgreen}%leader @{Cgray}Tank: @{Cbrightyellow}%tank @{Cbrightyellow}%tchp@{Cgray}/@{Cbrightyellow}%tmhp @{Cbrightgreen}%tspells@{Cgray} Target: @{Cbrightgreen}%target") %; \
/endif %; \
/if (({tchp} * 1.0) / {tmhp} > .66) \
/test tstat := decode_attr("@{Cgray}Leader: @{Cbrightgreen}%leader @{Cgray}Tank: @{Cbrightgreen}%tank @{Cbrightgreen}%tchp@{Cgray}/@{Cbrightgreen}%tmhp @{Cbrightgreen}%tspells@{Cgray} Target: @{Cbrightgreen}%target") %; \
/endif %; \
/test exitstr := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}%exits") %; \
/set statgroupleft %tstat %; \
/test statgroupleftlen := strlen(strip_attr(statgroupleft)) %; \
/status_edit statgroupleft:%{statgroupleftlen} %; \
/set stattopleft %hpstat %mastat %mvstat %; \
/test stattopleftlen := strlen(strip_attr(stattopleft)) %; \
/status_edit stattopleft:%{stattopleftlen} %; \
/set statbottomright %exitstr %; \
/set stattopright %loc %cont %; \
/test stattoprightlen := $[ strlen(strip_attr(stattopright)) * -1 ] %; \
/set statbottomleft %gold %exp %ac %hit %dam %; \
/test statbottomleftlen := strlen(strip_attr(statbottomleft)) %; \
/status_edit statbottomleft:%{statbottomleftlen}
/def -ag -mregexp -t"^PROMPT (\d+) (\d+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (\S+) (.+)" = \
/test gold := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}%P1@{Cgray}g") %; \
/test exp := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}%P2@{Cgray}x") %; \
/test ac := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}%P3@{Cgray}ac") %; \
/test hit := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}%P4@{Cgray}hit") %; \
/test dam := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}%P5@{Cgray}dam") %; \
/test cont := decode_attr("@{Cgray}(@{Cbrightgreen}%P6@{Cgray})") %; \
/test loc := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}%P7") %; \
/test prompt("> ") %; \
; for lowbies who cant see ac or hit/dam
/def -ag -mregexp -t"^PROMPT (\d+) (\d+) (\S+) (.+)" = \
/test gold := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}%P1@{Cgray}g") %; \
/test exp := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}%P2@{Cgray}x") %; \
/test ac := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}0@{Cgray}ac") %; \
/test hit := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}0@{Cgray}hit") %; \
/test dam := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}0@{Cgray}dam") %; \
/test cont := decode_attr("@{Cgray}(@{Cbrightgreen}%P6@{Cgray})") %; \
/test loc := decode_attr("@{Cbrightgreen}%P7") %; \
/test prompt("> ") %; \
/def -ag -mregexp -t"^PROMPT (\S+)/(\S+) (\S+)/(\S+) (\S+)/(\S+)$" = \
/test chp := strip_attr("%P1") %; \
/test mhp := strip_attr("%P2") %; \
/test cma := strip_attr("%P3") %; \
/test mma := strip_attr("%P4") %; \
/test cmv := strip_attr("%P5") %; \
/test mmv := strip_attr("%P6") %; \
/def -mregexp -t"^Exits: (.+) " = \
/set exits %P1 %; \
/def -ag -mregexp -t"^(\S+) reports (\d+)/(\d+) (.+) Spells: (.+)\." = \
/set tank %P1 %; \
/set tchp %P2 %; \
/set tmhp %P3 %; \
/set tspells %P5 %; \
/def -ag -mregexp -t"^(\S+) report (\d+)/(\d+) (.+)" = \
/set tank %charname %; \
/set tchp %P2 %; \
/set tmhp %P3 %; \
/set tspells= %; \
/def -mregexp -t"^You are rescued by (\S+)\, you are confused\!" = \
/set tank %P1 %; assist %P1 %; /updatestatus