a fat merchant: 1 miss 3 very 1 fragments -- 17 damage
you: 3 miss -- 0 damage
a pregnant teacher: 4 miss 1 tickle 6 hard 6 very 5 extremely -- 51 damage
Skyv: 1 fragments -- 8 damage
Rogue: 1 brutal 1 fragments -- 14 damage
a male red dragon: 1 hard 1 critical -- 11 damage
Combat Report: 2 miss (28%) 1 hard (14%) 3 very (42%) 1 fragments (14%) -- 19 damage
Circlestab: 1 circle (100%) 1 hilt (100%)
Damage calculations are completely off, I used made-up numbers until I find the actual damage per message - however it's as trivial as setting the values near the top of the file.
http://welp.gs/~harik/sloth/ combat.tf
If anyone still uses the 'fugue, let me know if this works for you.
(Obviously dragons and teachers are in different zones! I just cut&pasted combat messages from my logfile for testing purposes.)