Deathtouch/stab stats script Wintin.NET

Scripts for wintin.

Deathtouch/stab stats script Wintin.NET

Postby *Splork* » Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:47 pm

Please change strings if you use this, you can easily make this work for backstabs by changing the trigger strings to the ones that work with those...

#defgroup Deathtouch

#alias {bscalcon} {bsinit;bson2;bson3;bson4} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bser} {#var stb $1;#showme --------------------------------;#showme STABBER SET TO: <*- $1 -*>;#cr} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bshitcal} {#math bshits {$bshits+1}} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bshits} {#var bshits $1} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bsinit} {bstrys 0;bshits 0;bssplork 0;bsmiss 0} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bsme} {#ac {%0 hates your Guts!} {#unvar target};#var stb Pal;aston;ltton;qston;gt I will now stab when $leader gt's: qstab} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bsmiss} {#var bsmiss $1} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bsmisscal} {#math bsmiss {$bsmiss+1}} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bsof} {#unac {%0 hates your Guts!};astof;lttof;qstof;gt I will no longer stab when $leader gt's: qstab} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bson2} {#ac {sees you circling in for the kill, and deftly steps out of the way!} {bstrycal;bsmisscal}} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bson3} {#ac {goes limp as your deathtouch} {bstrycal;bssplorkcal;bshitcal}} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bson4} {#ac {You duck under a} {bstrycal;bshitcal}} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bssho} {bssho1;bssho2;bssho3} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bssho1} {#showme ---------------------------------------------------------------} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bssho2} {#showme Touch Records: [ $bshits/$bstrys ] Hits [ $bssplork ] Splorks [ $bsmiss ] Whiffs} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bssho3} {#showme ---------------------------------------------------------------;#cr} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bssplork} {#var bssplork $1} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bssplorkcal} {#math bssplork {$bssplork+1}} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bstell} {gt Stab Records: [ $bshits/$bstrys ] Hits [ $bssplork ] Splorks [ $bsmiss ] Whiffs} {G|Deathtouch}
#alias {bstrycal} {#math bstrys {$bstrys+1}} {G|Deathtouch}
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