Stabber Wintin.Net

Scripts for wintin.

Stabber Wintin.Net

Postby *Splork* » Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:44 pm

Please change strings if you use this....

#defgroup Stabber

#alias {astof} {gt AUTO-STAB on follow $leader DISABLED;#unac {^You follow $leader.};#unac {>You follow $leader.}} {G|Stabber}
#alias {aston} {gt AUTO-STAB on follow $leader ENABLED;#ac {^You follow $leader.} {bc};#ac {>You follow $leader.} {bc}} {G|Stabber}
#alias {b} {backstab} {G|Stabber}
#alias {bser} {#var stb $1;#showme --------------------------------;#showme STABBER SET TO: <*- $1 -*>;#cr} {G|Stabber}
#alias {bsme} {#ac {%0 hates your Guts!} {#unvar target};#var stb Pal;aston;ltton;qston;gt I will now stab when $leader gt's: qstab} {G|Stabber}
#alias {bsof} {#unac {%0 hates your Guts!};astof;lttof;qstof;gt I will no longer stab when $leader gt's: qstab} {G|Stabber}
#alias {qston} {#ac {^$leader -- '%0qstab'} {bc}} {G|Stabber}
#alias {gripoff} {gt AUTO-GRIP on follow $leader DISABLED;#unac {^You follow $leader.};#unac {>You follow $leader.}} {G|Stabber}
#alias {gripon} {gt AUTO-GRIP on follow $leader ENABLED;#ac {^You follow $leader.} {dtt};#ac {>You follow $leader.} {dtt}} {G|Stabber}
#alias {go} {gt I R stab $target NOW!!;bf} {G|Stabber}
#alias {bf} {bac $target;fw} {G|Stabber}
#alias {qstof} {#unac {^$leader -- '%0qstab'}} {G|Stabber}
#alias {bc} {bac $target} {G|Stabber}
#alias {lp} {last player} {G|Stabber}
#alias {lt} {look $target} {G|Stabber}
#alias {lt4} {#ac {^$leader -- '%0target %1'} {#var target $1;#show **********=====>>>>> TARGET:[ $1 ] <<<<<=====**********}} {G|Stabber}
#alias {ltarof} {#unac {^$leader -- '%0target %1'};#unac {^$leader -- ' TARGET: %1'};#unac {^$leader -- '%0Target: %1'}} {G|Stabber}
#alias {ltaron} {ltaron1;ltaron2;ltaron3} {G|Stabber}
#alias {ltaron1} {#ac {^$leader -- '%0target %1'} {#var target $1;gt Target accepted: $1}} {G|Stabber}
#alias {ltaron2} {#ac {^$leader -- ' TARGET: %1'} {#var target $1;gt Target accepted: $1}} {G|Stabber}
#alias {ltaron3} {#ac {^$leader -- '%0Target: %1'} {#var target $1;gt Target accepted: $1}} {G|Stabber}
#alias {ltaron4} {#ac {^$leader -- '%0target %1'} {#var target $1;#show *****=====>>>>> TARGET:[ $1 ]}} {G|Stabber}
#alias {lttof} {gt I will set my own targets now;ltarof} {G|Stabber}
#alias {ltton} {gt $leader is now able to set my targets;ltaron} {G|Stabber}
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