Auto bash kick broadside and frenzy

Scripts for wintin.

Auto bash kick broadside and frenzy

Postby *juggleblood* » Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:27 am

#defgroup {warrior skills}
#alias {bashoff} {#disable autobash;#showme Bash disabled} {G|warrior skills}
#alias {bashon} {#enable autobash;#showme Bash enabled} {G|warrior skills}
#alias {bs} {broadside} {G|warrior skills}
#alias {bsoff} {#disable autobroadside} {G|warrior skills}
#alias {bson} {#enable autobroadside} {G|warrior skills}
#alias {bst} {broadside $target} {G|warrior skills}
#alias {flall} {flail all} {G|warrior skills}
#alias {fr} {frenzy} {G|warrior skills}
#alias {frenzyoff} {#showme Frenzy Off;#alias targ {#var target %0;#showme Target Set To: $0}} {G|warrior skills}
#alias {frenzyon} {#showme Frenzy On;#alias targ {#ac {hates your guts} {frenzy} {O};#var target %0;#showme Target Set To: $0}} {G|warrior skills}
#alias {kickoff} {#disable autokick;#showme Autokick Disabled} {G|warrior skills}
#alias {kickon} {#enable autokick; #showme AutoKick Enabled} {G|warrior skills}

#defgroup {autobash}
#action {^You attempt to bash} {bash;#showme Bashing} {G|autobash}
#action {^You charge and bash} {bash;#showme Bashing} {G|autobash}

#defgroup {autobroadside}
#action {^You use the flat of} {#showme Broadsiding;broadside} {G|autobroadside}
#action {^Your weapon completely misses} {#showme Broadsiding; broadside} {G|autobroadside}

#defgroup {autokick}
#action {^You miss your kick} {kick;#showme (Kicking)} {G|autokick}
#action {^Your beautiful full} {kick;#showme (Kicking)} {G|autokick}
#action {^Your boots} {kick; #showme (Kicking)} {G|autokick}
#action {^Your kick} {kick;#showme (Kicking)} {G|autokick}

To use auto frenzy u have to target the mob before u engage it. For groups this means that your leader target action should trigger the alias 'targ %0' rather than setting the target directly thru #var.

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