Theris - 3-4 Man SS XP

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Theris - 3-4 Man SS XP

Postby 12345 » Mon Mar 13, 2006 10:59 am

Ok, the hardest part of any xp group is knowing what mobs to run and what it takes to kill them. SS isn't my favorite place for xp, but it's good for learning. Theris is one of the easier areas there is to run, as long as you can handle the constant stream of webs anyway. Here's a quick guide to those that are in training to be leaders:

This is a VERY forgiving area and I've run it 2man for some amazing xp. Running with a eudaemon is a bonus, but basically not needed. Normally, I run with -10, damn, web, blind and weaken. You can pretty much be missing any 2 and still be able to run here. So, nice place if you're got a weak tank or no weakener.

Resist webs is great to have here, because just about everything webs. If someone in the group doesn't have squirm or reign of the spider... kick them out. You'll be forever trying to keep them unwebbed. Stop after every kill and check for webbed groupies... you're almost certain to have at least one.

Shadow warriors are hidden throughout the area, but are marked on the map. Run past them. They're not worth fighting and I think they're ether. Either way, stay away from them.

Commoners. Found all over. Surprisingly, not the weakest mob here. More surprising, pretty good group xp. Standard debuff (damn/curse/web/weaken), you might even try to silence them. Good xp.

*Regen mobs.
These are weaker than the commoners. Easy kills. If you're having trouble with the 'ful' mobs or commoners, take a rest fighting these or stick to these exclusively. Only about half the xp of the 'ful' mobs though. And they all still web. Do very poorly against AC though.

-Man. Silly mob. 2e2ne2n2wn of the entrace is a mob named 'man'.
-War lord. sedw of Man.
-King. Exam map and go west of War lord.

'ful' mobs.
These are tougher than commoners and get tougher the higher you climb. Most are acid blind only. They like to cast but are insanely easy to trip and such. Dispel and standard debuff and smash away until dead. Also, these mobs are GOOD. If you hit them expect your align to get trashed. Not an overly big problem, but something to keep in mind.

Forgiver. Weakest, can be normally blinded. 2e2n2esen of entrance.
Meriful. Little tougher than Forgiver, acid blind I think. sun of Forgiver.
Peaceful. Strongest. Acid blind only. su of Merciful.
Vengeance. Evil. medium difficulty. 2dwnw2ses of Peaceful.

War Lord. (n2u) The war lord next to Vengeance is a pain. He's about as hard as all the rest, but keeps summoning war horses to assist him. Have a mage standing by to gun them down. This silly feature makes it very difficult to kill this guy though... in fact, don't kill him unless you have some insanely good reason to do so. Figure he's about 3x harder than the Peaceful.

Queen. (s2e2nwnd;exam latch;d from 'Man') When they say thick... this is what they mean. This gal is thick beyond any reason. On nocap day, or if you have a pretty big group, she's actually worth killing. She's acid blind only, which is the main problem. You'll need to keep a good watch on when to reblind her or she'll hack you to pieces. You'll also want to use wall of flesh or a high level aegis because she takes a long long time to chop down. As long as you can keep her blinded and don't run out of healo, you should be good to go. Having lots of chopper types and a bard is a definately plus though.

I haven't played much with the other mobs in the area, haven't heard of many others that might be worth killing.
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Postby jezer » Mon Mar 13, 2006 8:47 pm

Thats some nice info there.

When Ecko reaches 3x40 I want to learn to lead small eq groups. Preferably in AH/SS/Island. In the past exploring has been very dangerous, most time I have been killed. Before hand I've asked how hard is <mob name> and get little response sometimes, and as a result, someone has to come and recall my dead butt.

Keep the area info coming :wink:
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