So I got marge to 5x40 and excitedly tried to supplicate my first pit fiend. I had 2 swordwraiths in tow already and got the msg:
Jake thinks you have too many pets already.
I can't express how bitter this made me. There is nothing in the help files or on the crier laying this out. I haven't been so pissed about anything on the mud in a long time. If I had known that pits weren't compatible with swords, I would have made a necro prime instead or just left necro out of my classo and put a non-caster in there.
I know on sloth they often hide many mechanics of the game, but this is ridiculous. Finding out at 5x40 that your class combination strategy is inherently flawed?
Are there other class combinations that are nerfed to not work together? A wa/th/mo can use parry, -12 ac, tumbling skill, damage reduction, frenzy, focus, and triple stab together in a single blow. But a cleric/ne who has attained 5x40 can't use their pit fiend with their swordwratiths? Summoning pets is the primary function of necros. That's why i added it to classo. Is there some kind of hidden logic here that I don't understand or is this just an arbitrary feature?
Any cleric necro's can enlighten me pls on what I can and can't do regarding pets?
Peace out.
-disgruntled cleric
p.s. how hard is it to get a class change these days?