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PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 6:44 am
by achazia

As far as I can understand there should be a way in zmud to catch all
speaking to a separate window? Anyone knows how to do that?


PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:20 pm
by Blastem
#TRIG {tells you} {#cap tells;#beep;#gag} tells

This will open a window called tells and put the lines in it and beeps when someone tells you something.



PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 3:50 am
by achazia

Thanks a lot for your answer!
Is it possible to catch all speaking to this window. Like the channels
and "say" also?


PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:44 am
by karl
Here is the script that I use. It doesn't capture 'says' but you should be able to do that from this example.

#CLASS {CaptureChannels}
#TRIGGER {^(%w) tells you '} {#PLAY C:\Windows\System32\oobe\images\clickerx.wav;#SUBSTITUTE {~[%time("hh:mm:ss")~] %1 tells you '};#CAPTURE Channels;#GAG;#CLASS GrabChannel 1}
#TRIGGER {^(%w) ({gossips|gossip|newbies|newbie|auctions|auction|shouts|shout})--} {#PLAY C:\Windows\System32\oobe\images\clickerx.wav;#SUBSTITUTE {~[%time("hh:mm:ss")~] %1 %2--};#CAPTURE Channels;#GAG;#CLASS GrabChannel 1}
#TRIGGER {^(%w)[chat]> '*'} {#CW "[chat]>" 159}

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 8:56 am
by slice
This is what i use for my capture, it's also useful for immortals as well.

I also deliberately don't capture says & grouptells by choice. But you could easily add those if you wished. I like Karl's idea of adding the time of the tell as well that'd be useful

[code:2r1w4pn8]#CLASS {talk} {enable}
#TRIGGER {BEEPS} {#PLAY ChatBeep.wav} "" {case|notrig}
#TRIGGER {^(*) tells you '*'$} {#CAPTURE tell;#GAG;#IF (@afkmode = 1) {tell %1 I am sorry @me is away right now, you may leave a message here};#rem tell %1 E-mail:;#rem tell %1 ICQ: 1820796}}
#TRIGGER {^%w has joined channel: *.$} {#CO green;#CAPTURE tell;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^%w has left this channel: *$} {#CO red;#CAPTURE tell;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^%w~[*~]~> '*'$} {#CAPTURE tell;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^* -> '*'$} {#CAPTURE tell;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^(*) gossips-- '*'$} {#CAPTURE tell;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^(*) auctions-- '*'$} {#CAPTURE tell;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^You gossip-- '*'$} {#CAPTURE tell;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^You tell (*) '*'$} {#CAPTURE tell;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^You auction-- '*'$} {#CAPTURE tell;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^(*) quests-- '*'$} {#CAPTURE tell;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^You quest-- '*'$} {#CAPTURE tell;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^(*) newbies-- '*'$} {#CAPTURE tell;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^You newbie-- '*'$} {#CAPTURE tell;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^You page the gods with '*'$} {#CAPTURE tell;#GAG}
#TRIGGER {^(*) pages with '*'$} {#CAPTURE tell;#GAG}
#CLASS 0[/code:2r1w4pn8]

PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 3:07 am
by Ryvral
when someone sends a long message part of it gets lost as it doesn't auto scroll down..

Anyway to fix this?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 3:40 pm
by Rajil
If there's still anyone using zMUD ...

Using the channel splitter, I can only log one window. :(

It's either the main window where the room descriptions are or the channels window where i direct all channels. How can I log both windows?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 8:37 pm
by Blastem
do you want them to log to the same file or diff files?

#ali log {:tell:#LOG {%time(mm-dd-yy)tell.txt};:channel:#LOG {%time(mm-dd-yy)CHANNEL.txt}}

This will log tell window and channel window to tell.txt and channel.txt
hope this helps

PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:13 pm
by Rajil
Thanks! :D