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Tank Reporter Wintin.NET

PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:43 pm
by *Splork*
Please change strings if you use this...

#defgroup Tank-Reporter

#alias {checkwhine} {#if {$hpdelta < -10} {grep2};#if {$hpdelta >30} {grep3}} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#alias {gt2} {grouptell} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#alias {gt3} {grouptell} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#alias {grep} {gt $me: Hp [ $hp / $maxhp ] & Ma [$ma/$maxma]} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#alias {grep2} {gt2 <<: \\c09$hpdelta HP\\c12 :>> HP: [ $hp / $maxhp ] } {G|Tank-Reporter}
#alias {grep3} {gt2 <<: \\c15+$hpdelta HP\\c12 :>> HP: [ $hp / $maxhp ] } {G|Tank-Reporter}
#alias {metank} {gt Prepare to die, I'm gonna tank this now...;#var tank $me;rescallon;whinet} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#alias {tankt} {#var tank $1;gt <*- $1 -*> is gonna get hoyt.} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#alias {tarepof} {gt TANK-Reporter: ** DISABLED **;#unac {$tank [Lvl %1 Hp %2 Mana %3]}} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#alias {tarepon} {gt TANK-Reporter: ** ENABLED **;#ac {$tank [Lvl %1 Hp %2 Mana %3]} {gt TANK: $tank with [$2/$tankmax] HP & [$3] MA}} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#alias {whineof} {gt I won't whine anymore when I get hit.;#unac {^<%0hp %1ma %2mv}} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#alias {whineof2} {gt I won't whine anymore when I get hit.;#ac {^<%0hp %1ma %2mv} {#var hp $0;#var ma $1;#var mv $2} }} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#alias {whineron} {#ac {^<%0hp %1ma %2mv} {#var hp $0;#var ma $1;#var mv $2;#math {hpdelta} {$$0-$$hp};#if {$$0<$$hp} {checkwhine};#if {$$0>$$hp} {checkwhine}}} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#alias {whinet} {gt I will now tell you when them mobs whack me;whineron} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#alias {maxh} {#var maxhp $1;#showme ---------------------------------;#showme SETTING MY HP's TO <<: $1 :>>;#cr} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#alias {maxm} {#var maxma $1;#showme ---------------------------------;#showme SETTING MY MANA TO <<: $1 :>>;#cr} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#variable {hp} {715} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#variable {ma} {768} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#variable {mv} {190} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#variable {hpdelta} {0} {G|Tank-Reporter}
#variable {maxhp} {1445} {G|Tank-Reporter}

To enable the script, simply type metank charactername... If I remember right:-)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 12:57 am
by jezer
I was going to make my own whiner, but on more careful study of Splork's I realised just how good his actually was! However Splork's whiner incapsulated a whole bunch of things I didn't like or use, with the tank and rescue concept, so here is a mod of Splork's script that acts just as a plain old whiner.

whineron to start
whineroff to end

#defgroup {Whiner}
#alias {checkwhine} {#if {$hpdelta < -10} {grep2};#if {$hpdelta >30} {grep3}} {G|Whiner}
#alias {grep2} {gt <<: \\c09$hpdelta HP\\c12 :>> HP: [ $hp / $maxhp ] } {G|Whiner}
#alias {grep3} {gt <<: \\c15+$hpdelta HP\\c12 :>> HP: [ $hp / $maxhp ] } {G|Whiner}
#alias {maxh} {#var maxhp $1;#showme ---------------------------------;#showme SETTING MY HP's TO <<: $1 :>>;#cr} {G|Whiner}
#alias {maxm} {#var maxma $1;#showme ---------------------------------;#showme SETTING MY MANA TO <<: $1 :>>;#cr} {G|Whiner}
#alias {whineroff} {gt WHINER OFF!;#unac {^<%0hp %1ma %2mv}} {G|Whiner}
#alias {whineron} {gt WHINER ON!;#ac {^<%0hp %1ma %2mv} {#var hp $0;#var ma $1;#var mv $2;#math {hpdelta} {$$0-$$hp};#if {$$0<$$hp} {checkwhine};#if {$$0>$$hp} {checkwhine}}} {G|Whiner}
#variable {hp} {873} {G|Whiner}
#variable {hpdelta} {0} {G|Whiner}
#variable {ma} {147} {G|Whiner}
#variable {maxhp} {888} {G|Whiner}
#variable {mv} {258} {G|Whiner}
#defgroup {}