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Add a healer into middle of Healo .Net

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:05 pm
by *juggleblood*

add <new healer's name>
addafter <previous healer's name>


#alias {add} {#var newhealer %0}
#alias {addafter} {#loop {$healo}{#if {[%%0]=[%%%0]}{#showme found %%%0;#push healotemp $$$0, $newhealer} else {#push healotemp %%0}};#loop {$@healo}{#cr};#loop {$@healotemp}{#push healo %0};#showme {Healo is now $healo}}

I think u need to make a null variable for healotemp first tho b4 u start using it.

#var healotemp

Its kind of ugly, but it works well.
